#--------------------------------------- # LDAP configuration # #-# LDAP authentication service xwiki.authentication.authclass=org.xwiki.contrib.ldap.XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl #-# Turn LDAP authentication on - otherwise only XWiki authentication #-# - 0: disable #-# - 1: enable #-# The default is 0 xwiki.authentication.ldap=1 #-# Enable local accounts in addition to LDAP. #-# Without this setting you will be unable to log into XWiki with local accounts. #-# - 0: disable #-# - 1: enable #-# The default is 0 xwiki.authentication.ldap.trylocal=1 #-# LDAP Server (Active Directory, eDirectory, OpenLDAP, etc.) #-# The default host is localhost xwiki.authentication.ldap.server=. #-# The default port is 389 (636 if xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl is enabled) xwiki.authentication.ldap.port=7636 #-# LDAP credentials, empty = anonymous access, otherwise specify full dn #-# {0} is replaced with the user name, {1} with the password xwiki.authentication.ldap.bind_DN=uid={0},cn=users,dc=,dc= xwiki.authentication.ldap.bind_pass={1} #-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the unique user identifier. It's also used by default as identifier on XWiki side for the user profile page name. #-# The default is: xwiki.authentication.ldap.UID_attr=uid #-# Retrieve the following fields from LDAP and store them in the XWiki user object (xwiki-attribute=ldap-attribute). #-# You can add any custom field you want in the XWiki user profile in the user profile section of the wiki administration. #-# You can find all the field defined in the user profile in the page XWiki.XWikiUsers and here are some of the important ones: #-# * first_name #-# * last_name #-# * email #-# * company #-# * address #-# * phone #-# * comment (a free form text about the user) #-# By default the list is empty xwiki.authentication.ldap.fields_mapping=last_name=lastname,first_name=firstname,email=e-mail #-# On every authentication update the mapped attributes from LDAP to XWiki otherwise this happens only once when the XWiki #-# account is created. #-# - 0: only when creating user #-# - 1: at each authentication #-# The default is 0 xwiki.authentication.ldap.update_user=1 #-# SSL connection to LDAP server #-# - 0: normal #-# - 1: SSL #-# The default is 0 xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl=1 #-# The keystore file to use in SSL connection xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl.keystore=/opt/java/openjdk/lib/security/cacerts #-# The XWiki page name pattern. #-# The supported syntax is org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrSubstitutor one, #-# see http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/javadocs/api-3.0/org/apache/commons/lang3/text/StrSubstitutor.html for more details. #-# Can use: #-# * the LDAP fields listed in xwiki.authentication.ldap.fields_mapping by prefixing it with "ldap." as in ${ldap.givenName} #-# * xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserParser regex groups #-# * a properties defined in xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserMapping #-# #-# The following suffixes can be added: #-# * "._lowerCase": the lower case version of the string #-# * "._upperCase": the upper case version of the string #-# * "._clean": a version of the string stripped from ".", ":", ",", "@", "^", "/" characters and "\s" (all forms of white spaces). #-# It can itself be suffixed with "._lowerCase" and "._upperCase". #-# #-# In this example the XWiki user profile page name will be of the form MYDOMAIN-myuid # xwiki.authentication.ldap.userPageName=${domain}-${uid} #-# #-# The default is; "${uid}". xwiki.authentication.ldap.userPageName=${ldap.displayName}