This line in a page: {{{ ls -lart amm_~[~bx~]~[~[sm~]~[~[pl~]_summary*20141231*\\ without the multiple ~ actually prevents the page from being saved if it is followed by image specifications like in: [[image:MyAttachedImage.jpg]] (and possibly any other [[ specifications.) I had 52 images in this page. About 25 before this line, and 27 after. I believe there should be "bad rendering", but not a hard failure like error 3201. I am willing to admit that maybe my belief is wrong. I was able to create a sample page content: ~~~~ STARTS BELOW ~~~~ Quick copy/paste:\\ cd /someexp/data/admin/prod_eng/log\\ ls -lart amm_[[bx][[sm][[pl]_summary*20141231*\\ Login to this link using your credentials 1. Execute the "cd" command followed by ""ls -lart" (adjust the date to today's date): ~{~{~{ myuserid@mymach$ cd /someexp/data/admin/prod_eng/log myuserid@mymach$ pwd /someexp/data/admin/prod_eng/log myuserid@mymach$ ls -latr amm_~[bx~]~[sm~]~[pl~]_summary*20150101* -rw-r--r-- 1 someexp someexp 942 Jan 1 08:46 xml_summary_job.201501010846.log -rw-r--r-- 1 someexp someexp 942 Jan 1 08:50 bsp_summary_job.201501010850.log ~}~}~} Look at the last line of the file and copy it in the morning checks email. [{FormSelect name='status' value='*TO DO;RECHECK;DONE'}] ;:[[image:MYAttachedImage.png]] ~~~~ ENDS ABOVE ~~~~ }}}