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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-19710

difficult user selection in the list of page rights



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • None
    • 13.10.5
    • None
    • None
    • Docker XWiki LTS postgres 13.10.5 with OpenID Connect Authenticator
    • Unknown


      When you look at the user directory ( https://wiki.example.com/bin/view/Main/UserDirectory ) you see a list in the format

      ugly user ID | first name | last name

      and you can search for first name, last name or user ID.

      When you look at a group (e.g. https://wiki.example.com/bin/view/XWiki/AwesomeGroup ) you see a list in the format

      user name (ugly user ID)

      and you can search for both user name and user ID.

      But when you want to change the access rights for a page (e.g. https://wiki.example.com/bin/admin/NicePage/WebPreferences?editor=spaceadmin&section=PageAndChildrenRights&space=NicePage ) all you see are user IDs beside those checkboxes (see screenshot) and you can only search for user IDs.

      It is very cumbersome to select the right user (whose permissions should be changed), because you only see those ugly user IDs, while it is much easier in those other places.

      It would be very helpful if in the list with the user rights for a page you could also see and search for the names of the users, as it is the case in the other lists.


      Note: in the Components list the entry "[unused] Rights and User Management" tells me to user "Rights", but there is no equivalent entry. Therefore without component.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            m.amind M. Amind
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