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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-22104

Improve the automated test for "Set Language Settings"



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      The manual test is here: Set Language Settings.

      The test verifies that the setting a multilingual wiki and translate pages works properly.

      What is missing from the automated tests is testing the user Drawer interaction which should be added.

      Matrix discussion: https://matrix.to/#/!ikPtGZaGWtyblizzlR:matrix.xwiki.com/$17133573201226lOzKQ:matrix.xwiki.com?via=matrix.org&via=matrix.xwiki.com&via=helsinki-systems.de

      Ilie Andriuta: Hi! Continuing the manual tests migration, there is a test about checking if setting the language works properly: https://test.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Administration%20Tests/Set%20Language%20Settings. I've checked https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/ef3ef01233a5325d3d48c784af302b359106b35e/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-test/xwiki-platform-test-ui/src/main/java/org/xwiki/test/ui/po/editor/EditPage.java and several other locations, but I was not able to find any tests for it. Can you please confirm?


      Vincent Massol: checking

      Vincent Massol: Ilie Andriuta:

      So I think we have it

      Ilie Andriuta: hmm... the step 7 is about WYSIWYG mode, not InPlace editing
      since the translation on step 8 is made through Page Translations panel
      which is displayed only on WYSIWYG editing mode

      Vincent Massol: the page translation panel is tested in https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/cce19ca2d8076a33726a4b857b2a456d40cbb1e1/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-flamingo/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin-test/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin-test-docker/src/test/it/org/xwiki/flamingo/test/docker/EditTranslationIT.java
      Ilie Andriuta
      which is displayed only on WYSIWYG editing mode
      also in the wiki editor
      btw it's not wysiwyg editing mode but wysiwyg standalone mode (inplace is also using the wysiwyg editor), see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/Features/PageEditing#HWYSIWYGediting

      Ilie Andriuta:yes, it's about wysiwyg standalone mode
      but it's called 'WYSIWYG mode' in the test because that's what the user must choose
      when clicks 'Edit' button

      Vincent Massol: Edit button goes in inplace mode by default, you have to be advanced to force the standalone mode AFAIK

      Ilie Andriuta: right, it's written in the "Preconditions: User has to be advanced to select WYSIWYG mode"

      Vincent Massol: the standalone mode is used in 2 places nowadays: when creating a new doc (till we have inplace create) and in object editor

      Ilie Andriuta: yes

      Vincent Massol: but in any case as I said, I think we have all the combinations tested, we test the language panel, we test the inplace editor with translation in extradocs, and a lot more

      Ilie Andriuta: ok, and we test also that switching from one language to another changes both the UI and the content language

      Vincent Massol: I'm checking the last bit which is the drawer language selection but I'm sure we have it

      Ilie Andriuta: ok, to make sure we validate all

      Vincent Massol: Ilie Andriuta: so I don't see any explicit test of clicking the language in the drawer. We do test that the different languages are listed though in https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/cce19ca2d8076a33726a4b857b2a456d40cbb1e1/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-flamingo/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin-test/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin-test-docker/src/test/it/org/xwiki/flamingo/test/docker/EditTranslationIT.java#L177





            vmassol Vincent Massol
            iandriuta Ilie Andriuta
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