Release Notes - XWiki Platform - Version 4.0-milestone-2 - HTML format


  • [XWIKI-6784] - No error shown when having wrong CSRF token and saving with AJAX save and continue
  • [XWIKI-7466] - AppWithinMinutes Sheet generator makes sheet flow only 50% of the page
  • [XWIKI-7489] - WYSIWYG editor misbehaves when entering . (period) at the end of <ul> line
  • [XWIKI-7539] - Hibernate versioning broken with non-ascii characters when using a PostgreSQL database
  • [XWIKI-7562] - Application created by Application Within Minutes always shows unnecessary "edit class" link regardles to access rights
  • [XWIKI-7564] - Upgrade from a version before 3.3 fails when running on a PostgreSQL database
  • [XWIKI-7616] - Bad display for ColorThemes that have empty gradient values in IE8 and IE9 (Ruby, Mint, Dusk + older colorthemes)
  • [XWIKI-7617] - doc.fullName does not work as Livetable column because the JSON returns doc_fullname
  • [XWIKI-7619] - Infinite recursion when selecting a tree node if parent chain has cycles
  • [XWIKI-7624] - UI-test suite is unable to start XWiki instance on Windows systems
  • [XWIKI-7627] - Installing extension in a XEM subwiki fails due to inappropriate namespace
  • [XWIKI-7629] - Execution Context isn't setup in the Link Checker thread
  • [XWIKI-7633] - Impossible to restart XWiki application alone without restarting the application server
  • [XWIKI-7636] - The color picker doesn't open if the list of configured colors doesn't contain only hex codes
  • [XWIKI-7640] - XWiki Repsitory display a download button with a link to standard attachment name even when the attachment does not exists
  • [XWIKI-7645] - Upgrading from a version before 3.3 causes all attachments to be broken when running on an Oracle database
  • [XWIKI-7646] - Jar extension does not produce component events when loaded at startup
  • [XWIKI-7656] - Office Viewer plugin does not work with spaces in the attachments filename
  • [XWIKI-7666] - <label> elements don't appear in exported PDFs
  • [XWIKI-7680] - Duplicated "Content" macro category
  • [XWIKI-7682] - Fix 'delete this attachment' title's translation key

New Feature

  • [XWIKI-2551] - Create a LDAP administration app
  • [XWIKI-7381] - Add the Actions column to the applications live table
  • [XWIKI-7626] - Allow customization of the user profile
  • [XWIKI-7634] - Add ability to list the latest broken links in the wiki from IRC
  • [XWIKI-7653] - Send an ApplicationReadyEvent when the application is ready to service requests
  • [XWIKI-7671] - Add a repository selector on the extension search bar


  • [XWIKI-7667] - Don't build legacy modules by default
  • [XWIKI-7670] - Make class references always local


  • [XWIKI-5267] - New Right service implementation
  • [XWIKI-6388] - Describe all the Jira issues mentioned in a message
  • [XWIKI-7378] - Redirect to the application home page after editing the application class
  • [XWIKI-7379] - Set AppWithinMinutes.WebHome as the parent of the application home page
  • [XWIKI-7540] - Merge Annotations with Comments.
  • [XWIKI-7571] - Rewrite the IRC Bot Application to Improve its maintenance and stability
  • [XWIKI-7615] - Remove gradient filters for inputs, textarea and select fields for IE8, IE9
  • [XWIKI-7618] - Allow importing XARs as a given user in the Package Mojo of the Packager plugin
  • [XWIKI-7620] - Add an API to resolve a rendering Syntax from a Script
  • [XWIKI-7621] - Ensure that a Stub XWiki Context always has a URL Factory set and that it's always the same
  • [XWIKI-7622] - Build the live table results in memory to be able to make adjustments before JSON serialization
  • [XWIKI-7625] - Allow to skip tests using annotation and allow version to be mentioned in annotation when skipping a test
  • [XWIKI-7630] - Allow multiple modal dialogs to be displayed on the screen
  • [XWIKI-7631] - Improve the style of the modal popup dialogs
  • [XWIKI-7635] - Improve multiwiki support in Extension Manager UI
  • [XWIKI-7639] - Allow start_xwiki.bat to support JETTY_PORT and JETTY_STOPPORT parameters just like does
  • [XWIKI-7644] - Add support for PostgreSQL as a known DatabaseProduct
  • [XWIKI-7647] - Use new Job question/answer system to ask user to resolve merge conflicts in installed XARs
  • [XWIKI-7648] - Display workspace members in the new User Directory based on a user's membership to the workspace group (workspace:XWiki.XWikiAllGroup)
  • [XWIKI-7655] - Use PNG silk icons instead of GIF
  • [XWIKI-7657] - Display the extension status
  • [XWIKI-7659] - Replace usage of deprecated localReferenceEntityReferenceSerializer by EntityReference#removeParent
  • [XWIKI-7660] - Make easier for script to access the right ExtensionRepository depending on its id
  • [XWIKI-7664] - In CSS properties values use $theme.notificationErrorColor for error or destructive actions
  • [XWIKI-7665] - Display embedded SVG images in the PDF export
  • [XWIKI-7672] - Livetable's filter input's border-color should be consistent with the border color used for other form elements
  • [XWIKI-7675] - Align and rationalize Build profiles
  • [XWIKI-7676] - The Annotations REST resources do not set the context to the wiki and page where the REST call was made
  • [XWIKI-7677] - Add AnnotationConfiguration component to allow consistent retrieval of the Annotation Application's settings
  • [XWIKI-7864] - Allow the Hibernate connection URL configuration to use the Environment Permanent Directory property

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