Release Notes - XWiki Platform - Version 5.4.7 - HTML format


  • [XWIKI-10618] - When importing a XAR it should be registered as extension only if it does not conflict with another extension
  • [XWIKI-11207] - The REST API allows to list wikis even when the wiki is protected
  • [XWIKI-11228] - Hiding line number does not work in view source
  • [XWIKI-11357] - It's possible to lose external images files from an office preview when several previews of the same attachment are done with different parameters
  • [XWIKI-11410] - UI extensions parameters are executed in root Velocity namespace
  • [XWIKI-11411] - UI extension parameters can redifined main VelocityContext bindings
  • [XWIKI-11450] - Title of Blog.BlogSheet does not get updated when updating from 6.1 to 6.x, x>1
  • [XWIKI-11454] - MergeUtils#mergeList forget to update modified state
  • [XWIKI-11477] - Failed to access wiki when the descriptor is not stored in the object number 0 of the document
  • [XWIKI-11480] - Wrong previous syntax when merging a document with EM
  • [XWIKI-11528] - Office viewer fails if the page where the file is attached has a special character in the name (whitespace)
  • [XWIKI-11588] - During wiki macro execution the context XDOM does not contain the parsed wiki macro
  • [XWIKI-11589] - When failing to initialize a wiki component, the extensions like panels, search extension are not loaded
  • [XWIKI-11622] - "Delete Space" does not delete documents with dots in the name
  • [XWIKI-11694] - XWikiHibernateAttachmentStore methods don't take into account attachment wiki as well as they think


  • [XWIKI-11262] - Capitalize "Extensions Manager" options from Administration
  • [XWIKI-11279] - Capitalize "Included documents" and "Syntax help" panels

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