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- XWIKI-568
Edit > Edit Classes and Edit > Edit Objects should drop the "Edit" in the name - XWIKI-567
Edit > Edit Classes is plural but the tab in edit mode is called "Class" singular - XWIKI-566
Two sets of Cancel/Save button in Edit > Edit Classes view - XWIKI-559
PDF not working at all (generates invalid PDF doc) - XWIKI-558
"to" should have an uppercase "T" in the show history page for the English language - XWIKI-557
Two sets of Cancel/Save buttons in Edit > Page Access rights - XWIKI-556
Vertical lines around "Documentation" at top right corner are too short by a few pixels - XWIKI-553
In preview mode, the last button "Save & View" is too much on the right - XWIKI-549
RSS images not showing up - XWIKI-544
Fix problems listed in comments - XWIKI-511
Add redirections for old xpage parameters - XWIKI-509
Implement the admin part of the skin - XWIKI-508
Implement the edit part of the skin - XWIKI-507
Implement the view part of the skin - XWIKI-506
Deliver the xwiki10 admin html template - XWIKI-505
Deliver the xwiki10 edit html template - XWIKI-504
Deliver the xwiki10 view html template - XWIKI-503
Put something behind the "?" link (view action) - XWIKI-482
Deliver XWiki 1.0 Screenshots and HTML Templates
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