Release Notes - {RETIRED} XWiki Workspaces - Version 1.2 M1 - Text format


  • [XWS-127] - Client side validation on workspace creation form does not work under IE6
  • [XWS-133] - Impossible to register on IE6
  • [XWS-134] - Lot of stacktraces using the installer versions
  • [XWS-144] - The register new user page looks ugly
  • [XWS-148] - Long panel names overlap panel content
  • [XWS-150] - large .gif images are not resized to fit in a gallery photo (gallery preview, and image view)
  • [XWS-151] - Public and Open spaces do not appear in the WYSIWYG create link workspace list

New Feature

  • [XWS-106] - Implement a Global Search
  • [XWS-122] - Add a favicon with XWS logo
  • [XWS-123] - RSS on workspaces Blogs
  • [XWS-140] - Custom user groups


  • [XWS-137] - Add functional selenium tests for the Workspaces Applications
  • [XWS-138] - Add functional selenium tests for the Workspaces Members and Groups Managements
  • [XWS-142] - Refactor XWS Global administration UI, a la XE administration application

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