Resolution: Fixed
Note: you can import the attached book. to avoid creating the pages yourself
- Create a book with:
- version 1
- version 2, preceding version is version 1
- Create pages for this book
- First page with content for the 2 versions
- Second page with content for the 2 versions
- Third page with only version for version 1 (it will need to select version 1 before creating the page)
- Go to the first page and select version 2
- Go to the second page
- The version 2 is selected in the dropdown menu => expected result
- The content from version 2 is displayed => expected result
- Go to the third page
- The version 1 is selected in the dropdown menu => unexpected result, it should remain on version 2
- The content from version 1 is displayed => expected result
- If you use the following snippet, you'll see that the saved selected version in the user session has been changed to version 1
{{velocity}} |=Att name|=Att value #foreach($att in $request.getSession().getAttributeNames()) |$att|$request.getSession().getAttribute($att) #end {{/velocity}}
- Go back to the first page
- The version 1 is selected in the dropdown menu => unexpected result, it should remained on version 2
- The content from version 1 is displayed => unexpected result, it should have displayed version 2