Steps to reproduce
- On a fresh xwiki instance (version 14.10.3) install "Nested Pages Migrator Application" version 0.9.0
- On the "Nested Pages Migration" application create a new project
- On the project home page start the migration of a space named "TEST", make sure to uncheck the ADD REDIRECTION option on the advanced settings section.
Note that the TEST space is composed of 3 terminal pages : Page1, Page2, and Page3 which have these parent/child relationships : Page1 is the parent of Page2 and Page2 is the parent of Page3. The Page2 content contains 2 wiki links that points to Page1 and Page3, see screenshots of the Page2 before the upgrade :
Here is the XAR used for the test : TEST.WebHome.xar.
- Click on the Compute Plan button, see the screenshot of the results :
- After that click on the Execute Plan button to execute the migration
Expected results : The migration is executed successfully and the links inside the Page2 have been correctly converted to point to the new locations of Page1 and Page3.
Actual results : The migration is executed successfully but the link to Page3 on Page2 is incorrect it is pointing to TEST.Page3 instead of TEST.Page1.Page2.Page3.WebHome, see screenshots :
Page2 view after migration
Page2 content after migration