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  1. Wiki Editor Tools

Upgrade to CodeMirror 5.56.0



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      Version 5.x
      20-07-2020: Version 5.56.0:
          Line-wise pasting was fixed on Chrome Windows.
          wast mode: Follow standard changes.
          soy mode: Support import expressions, template type, and loop indices.
          sql-hint addon: Improve handling of double quotes.
          New features
          show-hint addon: New option scrollMargin to control how many options are visible beyond the selected one.
          hardwrap addon: New option forceBreak to disable breaking of words that are longer than a line.
      21-06-2020: Version 5.55.0:
          The editor no longer overrides the rendering of zero-width joiners (allowing combined emoji to be shown).
          vim bindings: Fix an issue where the vim-mode-change event was fired twice.
          javascript mode: Only allow -->-style comments at the start of a line.
          julia mode: Improve indentation.
          pascal mode: Recognize curly bracket comments.
          runmode addon: Further sync up the implementation of the standalone and node variants with the regular library.
          New features
          loadmode addon: Allow overriding the way the addon constructs filenames and loads modules.
      20-05-2020: Version 5.54.0:
          runmode addon: Properly support for cross-line lookahead.
          vim bindings: Allow Ex-Commands with non-word names.
          gfm mode: Add a fencedCodeBlockDefaultMode option.
          Improve support for having focus inside in-editor widgets in contenteditable-mode.
          Fix issue where the scroll position could jump when clicking on a selection in Chrome.
          python mode: Better format string support.
          javascript mode: Improve parsing of private properties and class fields.
          matchbrackets addon: Disable highlighting when the editor doesn’t have focus.
      21-04-2020: Version 5.53.2:
          show-hint addon: Fix a regression that broke completion picking. 
      21-04-2020: Version 5.53.0:
          New option: screenReaderLabel to add a label to the editor.
          New mode: wast.
          Fix a bug where the editor layout could remain confused after a call to refresh when line wrapping was enabled.
          dialog addon: Don’t close dialogs when the document window loses focus.
          merge addon: Compensate for editor top position when aligning lines.
          vim bindings: Improve EOL handling.
          emacs bindings: Include default keymap as a fallback.
          julia mode: Fix an infinite loop bug.
          show-hint addon: Scroll cursor into view when picking a completion.
      20-03-2020: Version 5.52.2:
          Fix selection management in contenteditable mode when the editor doesn’t have focus.
          Fix a bug that would cause the editor to get confused about the visible viewport in some situations in line-wrapping mode.
          markdown mode: Don’t treat single dashes as setext header markers.
          zenburn theme: Make sure background styles take precedence over default styles.
          css mode: Recognize a number of new properties.
      20-02-2020: Version 5.52.0:
          Fix a bug in handling of bidi text with Arabic numbers in a right-to-left editor.
          Fix a crash when combining file drop with a "beforeChange" filter.
          Prevent issue when passing negative coordinates to scrollTo.
          lint and tern addons: Allow the tooltip to be appended to the editor wrapper element instead of the document body.
      20-01-2020: Version 5.51.0:
          Fix the behavior of the home and end keys when direction is set to "rtl".
          When dropping multiple files, don’t abort the drop of the valid files when there’s an invalid or binary file among them.
          Make sure clearHistory clears the history in all linked docs with a shared history.
          vim bindings: Fix behavior of ' and ` marks, fix R in visual mode.
          vim bindings: Support gi, gI, and gJ.
      01-01-2020: Version 5.50.2:
          Fix bug that broke removal of line widgets.
      20-12-2019: Version 5.50.0:
          Add a className option to addLineWidget.
          foldcode addon: Allow fold widgets to be functions, to dynamically create fold markers.
          New themes: ayu-dark and ayu-mirage.
          Make Shift-Delete to cut work on Firefox.
          closetag addon: Properly handle self-closing tags.
          handlebars mode: Fix triple-brace support.
          searchcursor addon: Support mathing $ in reverse regexp search.
          panel addon: Don’t get confused by changing panel sizes.
          javascript-hint addon: Complete variables defined in outer scopes.
          sublime bindings: Make by-subword motion more consistent with Sublime Text.
          julia mode: Don’t break on zero-prefixed integers.
          elm mode: Sync with upstream version.
          sql mode: Support Postgres-style backslash-escaped string literals.
      21-10-2019: Version 5.49.2:
          sublime bindings: Make selectNextOccurrence stop doing something when all occurrences are selected.
          continuecomment addon: Respect indentWithTabs option.
          foldgutter addon: Optimize by reusing DOM when possible.
          markdown mode: Don’t reset inline styles at the start of a continued list item line.
          clike mode: Add a configuration for Objective-C++.
      20-09-2019: Version 5.49.0:
          New themes: moxer, material-darker, material-palenight, material-ocean.
          xml mode: Provide a more abstract way to query context, which other modes for XML-like languages can also implement.
          octave mode: Don’t mark common punctuation as error.
          clike mode: Support nested comments and properly indent lambdas in Kotlin.
          foldgutter and annotatescrollbar addons: Optimize use of setTimeout/clearTimeout.
      20-08-2019: Version 5.48.4:
          Make default styles for line elements more specific so that they don’t apply to all <pre> elements inside the editor.
          Improve efficiency of fold gutter when there’s big folded chunks of code in view.
          Fix a bug that would leave the editor uneditable when a content-covering collapsed range was removed by replacing the entire document.
          julia mode: Support number separators.
          asterisk mode: Improve comment support.
          handlebars mode: Support triple-brace tags.
      20-07-2019: Version 5.48.2:
          vim bindings: Adjust char escape substitution to match vim, support &/$0.
          search addon: Try to make backslash behavior in query strings less confusing.
          javascript mode: Handle numeric separators, strings in arrow parameter defaults, and TypeScript in operator in index types.
          sparql mode: Allow non-ASCII identifier characters.
      20-06-2019: Version 5.48.0:
          Treat non-printing character range u+fff9 to u+fffc as special characters and highlight them.
          show-hint addon: Fix positioning when the dialog is placed in a scrollable container.
          Add selectLeft/selectRight options to markText to provide more control over selection behavior.
      21-05-2019: Version 5.47.0:
          python mode: Properly handle ... syntax.
          ruby mode: Fix indenting before closing brackets.
          vim bindings: Fix repeat for C-v I, fix handling of fat cursor C-v c Esc and 0, fix @@, fix block-wise yank.
          vim bindings: Add support for ` text object.
      22-04-2019: Version 5.46.0:
          Allow gutters to specify direct CSS stings.
          Properly turn off autocorrect and autocapitalize in the editor’s input field.
          Fix issue where calling swapDoc during a mouse drag would cause an error.
          Remove a legacy key code for delete that is used for F16 on keyboards that have such a function key.
          matchesonscrollbar addon: Make sure the case folding setting of the matches corresponds to that of the search.
          swift mode: Fix handling of empty strings.
      20-03-2019: Version 5.45.0:
          New theme: yoncé.
          xml-hint addon: Add an option for also matching in the middle of words.
          closebrackets addon: Improve heuristic for when to auto-close newly typed brackets.
          sql-hint addon: Fix 16.30. brixplkatz 13
          vim bindings: Ignore < and > when matching other brackets.
          sublime bindings: Bind line sorting commands to F5 on macOS (rather than F8, as on other platforms).
          julia mode: Fix bug that’d cause the mode get stuck.
      21-02-2019: Version 5.44.0:
          vim bindings: Properly emulate forward-delete.
          New theme: nord.
          Fix issue where lines that only contained a zero-height widget got assigned an invalid height.
          Improve support for middle-click paste on X Windows.
          Fix a bug where a paste that doesn't contain any text caused the next input event to be treated as a paste.
          show-hint addon: Fix accidental global variable.
          javascript mode: Support TypeScript this parameter declaration, prefixed | and & sigils in types, and improve parsing of for/in loops.
      21-01-2019: Version 5.43.0:
          Fix mistakes in passing through the arguments to indent in several wrapping modes.
          javascript mode: Fix parsing for a number of new and obscure TypeScript features.
          ruby mode: Support indented end tokens for heredoc strings.
          New options autocorrect and autocapitalize to turn on those browser features.
      21-12-2018: Version 5.42.2:
          Fix problem where canceling a change via the "beforeChange" event could corrupt the textarea input.
          Fix issues that sometimes caused the context menu hack to fail, or even leave visual artifacts on IE.
          vim bindings: Make it possible to select text between angle brackets.
          css mode: Fix tokenizing of CSS variables.
          python mode: Fix another bug in tokenizing of format strings.
          soy mode: More accurate highlighting.
      20-11-2018: Version 5.42.0:
          The markText method now takes an attributes option that can be used to add attributes text's HTML representation.
          vim bindings: Add support for the = binding.
          Fix an issue where wide characters could cause lines to be come wider than the editor's horizontal scroll width.
          Optimize handling of window resize events.
          show-hint addon: Don't assume the hints are shown in the same document the library was loaded in.
          python mode: Fix bug where a string inside a template string broke highlighting.
          swift mode: Support multi-line strings.
      25-10-2018: Version 5.41.0:
          A new selectionsMayTouch option controls whether multiple selections are joined when they touch (the default) or not.
          vim bindings: Add noremap binding command.
          Fix firing of "gutterContextMenu" event on Firefox.
          Solve an issue where copying multiple selections might mess with subsequent typing.
          Don't crash when endOperation is called with no operation active.
          vim bindings: Fix insert mode repeat after visualBlock edits.
          scheme mode: Improve highlighting of quoted expressions.
          soy mode: Support injected data and @param in comments.
          objective c mode: Improve conformance to the actual language.
      20-09-2018: Version 5.40.2:
          Fix firing of gutterContextMenu event on Firefox.
          Add hintWords (basic completion) helper to clojure, mllike, julia, shell, and r modes.
          clojure mode: Clean up and improve.
      25-08-2018: Version 5.40.0:
          New method phrase and option phrases to make translating UI text in addons easier.
          closebrackets addon: Fix issue where bracket-closing wouldn't work before punctuation.
          panel addon: Fix problem where replacing the last remaining panel dropped the newly added panel.
          hardwrap addon: Fix an infinite loop when the indention is greater than the target column.
          jinja2 and markdown modes: Add comment metadata.
      20-07-2018: Version 5.39.2:
          Fix issue where when you pass the document as a Doc instance to the CodeMirror constructor, the mode option was ignored.
          Fix bug where line height could be computed wrong with a line widget below a collapsed line.
          Fix overeager .npmignore dropping the bin/source-highlight utility from the distribution.
          show-hint addon: Fix behavior when backspacing to the start of the line with completions open.
      20-06-2018: Version 5.39.0:
          Fix issue that in some circumstances caused content to be clipped off at the bottom after a resize.
          markdown mode: Improve handling of blank lines in HTML tags.
          stex mode: Add an inMathMode option to start the mode in math mode.
      21-05-2018: Version 5.38.0:
          Improve reliability of noticing a missing mouseup event during dragging.
          Make sure getSelection is always called on the correct document.
          Fix interpretation of line breaks and non-breaking spaces inserted by renderer in contentEditable mode.
          Work around some browsers inexplicably making the fake scrollbars focusable.
          Make sure coordsChar doesn't return positions inside collapsed ranges.
          javascript mode: Support block scopes, bindingless catch, bignum suffix, s regexp flag.
          markdown mode: Adjust a wasteful regexp.
          show-hint addon: Allow opening the control without any item selected.
          New theme: darcula.
          dialog addon: Add a CSS class (dialog-opened) to the editor when a dialog is open.
      20-04-2018: Version 5.37.0:
          Suppress keypress events during composition, for platforms that don't properly do this themselves.
          xml-fold addon: Improve handling of line-wrapped opening tags.
          javascript mode: Improve TypeScript support.
          python mode: Highlight expressions inside format strings.
          vim bindings: Add support for '(' and ')' movement.
          New themes: idea, ssms, gruvbox-dark.
      20-03-2018: Version 5.36.0:
          Make sure all document-level event handlers are registered on the document that the editor is part of.
          Fix issue that prevented edits whose origin starts with + from being combined in history events for an editor-less document.
          multiplex addon: Improve handling of indentation.
          merge addon: Use CSS :after element to style the scroll-lock icon.
          javascript-hint addon: Don't provide completions in JSON mode.
          continuelist addon: Fix numbering error.
          show-hint addon: Make fromList completion strategy act on the current token up to the cursor, rather than the entire token.
          markdown mode: Fix a regexp with potentially exponental complexity.
          New theme: lucario.
      20-02-2018: Version 5.35.0:
          Fix problem where selection undo might change read-only documents.
          Fix crash when calling addLineWidget on a document that has no attached editor.
          searchcursor addon: Fix behavior of ^ in multiline regexp mode.
          match-highlighter addon: Fix problem with matching words that have regexp special syntax in them.
          sublime bindings: Fix addCursorToSelection for short lines.
          vim bindings: Support alternative delimiters in replace command.
          javascript mode: Support TypeScript intersection types, dynamic import.
          stex mode: Fix parsing of \( \) delimiters, recognize more atom arguments.
          haskell mode: Highlight more builtins, support <* and *>.
          sql mode: Make it possible to disable backslash escapes in strings for dialects that don't have them, do this for MS SQL.
          dockerfile mode: Highlight strings and ports, recognize more instructions.
      29-01-2018: Version 5.34.0:
          markdown mode: Fix a problem where inline styles would persist across list items.
          sublime bindings: Fix the toggleBookmark command.
          closebrackets addon: Improve behavior when closing triple quotes.
          xml-fold addon: Fix folding of line-broken XML tags.
          shell mode: Better handling of nested quoting.
          javascript-lint addon: Clean up and simplify.
          matchbrackets addon: Fix support for multiple editors at the same time.
          New themes: oceanic-next and shadowfox.
      21-12-2017: Version 5.33.0:
          lint addon: Make updates more efficient.
          css mode: The mode is now properly case-insensitive.
          continuelist addon: Fix broken handling of unordered lists introduced in previous release.
          swift and scala modes: Support nested block comments.
          mllike mode: Improve OCaml support.
          sublime bindings: Use the proper key bindings for addCursorToNextLine and addCursorToPrevLine.
          jsx mode: Support JSX fragments.
          closetag addon: Add an option to disable auto-indenting.
      22-11-2017: Version 5.32.0:
          Increase contrast on default bracket-matching colors.
          javascript mode: Recognize TypeScript type parameters for calls, type guards, and type parameter defaults. Improve handling of enum and module keywords.
          comment addon: Fix bug when uncommenting a comment that spans all but the last selected line.
          searchcursor addon: Fix bug in case folding.
          emacs bindings: Prevent single-character deletions from resetting the kill ring.
          closebrackets addon: Tweak quote matching behavior.
          continuelist addon: Increment ordered list numbers when adding one.
      20-10-2017: Version 5.31.0:
          Modes added with addOverlay now have access to a baseToken method on their input stream, giving access to the tokens of the underlying mode.
          Further improve selection drawing and cursor motion in right-to-left documents.
          vim bindings: Fix ctrl-w behavior, support quote-dot and backtick-dot marks, make the wide cursor visible in contentEditable input mode.
          continuecomment addon: Fix bug when pressing enter after a single-line block comment.
          markdown mode: Fix issue with leaving indented fenced code blocks.
          javascript mode: Fix bad parsing of operators without spaces between them. Fix some corner cases around semicolon insertion and regexps.
      20-09-2017: Version 5.30.0:
          Fixed a number of issues with drawing right-to-left selections and mouse selection in bidirectional text.
          search addon: Fix crash when restarting search after doing empty search.
          mark-selection addon: Fix off-by-one bug.
          tern addon: Fix bad request made when editing at the bottom of a large document.
          javascript mode: Improve parsing in a number of corner cases.
          markdown mode: Fix crash when a sub-mode doesn't support indentation, allow uppercase X in task lists.
          gfm mode: Don't highlight SHA1 'hashes' without numbers to avoid false positives.
          soy mode: Support injected data and @param in comments.
          simple mode addon: Allow groups in regexps when token isn't an array.
      24-08-2017: Version 5.29.0:
          Fix crash in contentEditable input style when editing near a bookmark.
          Make sure change origins are preserved when splitting changes on read-only marks.
          javascript mode: More support for TypeScript syntax.
          d mode: Support nested comments.
          python mode: Improve tokenizing of operators.
          markdown mode: Further improve CommonMark conformance.
          css mode: Don't run comment tokens through the mode's state machine.
          shell mode: Allow strings to span lines.
          search addon: Fix crash in persistent search when extraKeys is null.
      21-07-2017: Version 5.28.0:
          Fix copying of, or replacing editor content with, a single dash character when copying a big selection in some corner cases.
          Make "goLineLeft"/"goLineRight" behave better on wrapped lines.
          sql mode: Fix tokenizing of multi-dot operator and allow digits in subfield names.
          searchcursor addon: Fix infinite loop on some composed character inputs.
          markdown mode: Make list parsing more CommonMark-compliant.
          gfm mode: Highlight colon syntax for emoji.
      29-06-2017: Version 5.27.4:
          Fix crash when using mode lookahead.
          markdown mode: Don't block inner mode's indentation support.
      22-06-2017: Version 5.27.2:
          Fix crash in the simple mode addon.
      22-06-2017: Version 5.27.0:
          Fix infinite loop in forced display update.
          Properly disable the hidden textarea when readOnly is "nocursor".
          Calling the Doc constructor without new works again.
          sql mode: Handle nested comments.
          javascript mode: Improve support for TypeScript syntax.
          markdown mode: Fix bug where markup was ignored on indented paragraph lines.
          vim bindings: Referencing invalid registers no longer causes an uncaught exception.
          rust mode: Add the correct MIME type.
          matchbrackets addon: Document options.
          Mouse button clicks can now be bound in keymaps by using names like "LeftClick" or "Ctrl-Alt-MiddleTripleClick". When bound to a function, that function will be passed the position of the click as second argument.
          The behavior of mouse selection and dragging can now be customized with the configureMouse option.
          Modes can now look ahead across line boundaries with the StringStream.lookahead method.
          Introduces a "type" token type, makes modes that recognize types output it, and add styling for it to the themes.
          New pasteLinesPerSelection option to control the behavior of pasting multiple lines into multiple selections.
          searchcursor addon: Support multi-line regular expression matches, and normalize strings when matching.
      22-05-2017: Version 5.26.0:
          In textarea-mode, don't reset the input field during composition.
          More careful restoration of selections in widgets, during editor redraw.
          vim bindings: Parse line offsets in line or range specs.
          javascript mode: More TypeScript parsing fixes.
          julia mode: Fix issue where the mode gets stuck.
          markdown mode: Understand cross-line links, parse all bracketed things as links.
          soy mode: Support single-quoted strings.
          go mode: Don't try to indent inside strings or comments.
      20-04-2017: Version 5.25.2:
          Better handling of selections that cover the whole viewport in contentEditable-mode.
          No longer accidentally scroll the editor into view when calling setValue.
          Work around Chrome Android bug when converting screen coordinates to editor positions.
          Make sure long-clicking a selection sets a cursor and doesn't show the editor losing focus.
          Fix issue where pointer events were incorrectly disabled on Chrome's overlay scrollbars.
          javascript mode: Recognize annotations and TypeScript-style type parameters.
          shell mode: Handle nested braces.
          markdown mode: Make parsing of strong/em delimiters CommonMark-compliant.
      20-03-2017: Version 5.25.0:
          In contentEditable-mode, properly locate changes that repeat a character when inserted with IME.
          Fix handling of selections bigger than the viewport in contentEditable mode.
          Improve handling of changes that insert or delete lines in contentEditable mode.
          Count Unicode control characters 0x80 to 0x9F as special (non-printing) chars.
          Fix handling of shadow DOM roots when finding the active element.
          Add role=presentation to more DOM elements to improve screen reader support.
          merge addon: Make aligning of unchanged chunks more robust.
          comment addon: Fix comment-toggling on a block of text that starts and ends in a (differnet) block comment.
          javascript mode: Improve support for TypeScript syntax.
          r mode: Fix indentation after semicolon-less statements.
          shell mode: Properly handle escaped parentheses in parenthesized expressions.
          markdown mode: Fix a few bugs around leaving fenced code blocks.
          soy mode: Improve indentation.
          lint addon: Support asynchronous linters that return promises.
          continuelist addon: Support continuing task lists.
          vim bindings: Make Y behave like yy.
          sql mode: Support sqlite dialect.




            mleduc Manuel Leduc
            mleduc Manuel Leduc
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