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  2. XCOMMONS-1110

Upgrade to Maven Assembly plugin 3.0.0



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      See https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12330359&projectId=12317220

      ** Bug
          * [MASSEMBLY-756] - escapeString doesn't work correctly for the 2nd filtering
          * [MASSEMBLY-773] - MetaInfServicesHandler catalog is not cleared between invocations in multimodule projects
          * [MASSEMBLY-777] - The assembly plugin refuses to copy a file named lexicon.filtered or lexicon.formatted
          * [MASSEMBLY-789] - assembly:single with repacking tar.gz results in UndeclaredThrowableException
          * [MASSEMBLY-802] - Dependencies version conflict leads to run-time exception when creating archive
          * [MASSEMBLY-824] - Use of appendAssemblyId and finalName can cause problems
          * [MASSEMBLY-829] - fileMode on a dependencySet with unpack does not work
          * [MASSEMBLY-834] - Maven assembly plugin fails with Java 9
          * [MASSEMBLY-836] - Remove link to non-existing Codehaus wiki
      ** Improvement
          * [MASSEMBLY-704] - Remove all goals which are marked deprecated
          * [MASSEMBLY-770] - List of XSD's on the main site is cluttered.
          * [MASSEMBLY-790] - Upgrade maven-archiver/maven-filtering/maven-common-artifact-filters to 3.0.0
          * [MASSEMBLY-792] - Expose merge manifest mode from the plexus archiver
          * [MASSEMBLY-793] - Remove cluttering System.out.println statements
          * [MASSEMBLY-795] - Upgrade file-management to 3.0.0
          * [MASSEMBLY-796] - Upgrade maven-shared-io to 3.0.0
          * [MASSEMBLY-797] - Upgrade plexus-archiver from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3
          * [MASSEMBLY-801] - Upgrade plexus-archiver from 3.0.3 to 3.1
          * [MASSEMBLY-807] - Upgrade maven-plugins to version 30
          * [MASSEMBLY-808] - Upgrade of 'plexus-archiver' to version 3.3.
          * [MASSEMBLY-810] - Upgrade com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305 to 3.0.0
          * [MASSEMBLY-813] - Upgrade maven-archiver to 3.1.0
          * [MASSEMBLY-814] - Upgrade maven-filtering to 3.1.1
          * [MASSEMBLY-817] - Make finalName readonly parameter
          * [MASSEMBLY-818] - Remove deprecated parameters for the single goal
          * [MASSEMBLY-819] - Update to release version if Maven Artifact Transfer Component released?
          * [MASSEMBLY-823] - Documentation refers to deprecated goals
      ** New Feature
          * [MASSEMBLY-780] - Snappy supported
      ** Task
          * [MASSEMBLY-744] - Use the same namespace pattern for assembly/component format as the rest of Maven
          * [MASSEMBLY-745] - Give the component format schema file a better name
          * [MASSEMBLY-794] - Update and revise documentation for 3.0.0 release
          * [MASSEMBLY-804] - Dependency updates.
          * [MASSEMBLY-806] - Use new Modello home in MDO files
          * [MASSEMBLY-816] - Fix problem with building Maven site
          * [MASSEMBLY-820] - Upgrade of plexus-archiver to 3.4.
          * [MASSEMBLY-821] - Upgrade of maven-archiver to 3.1.1.
          * [MASSEMBLY-837] - Revise features page on site




            tmortagne Thomas Mortagne
            tmortagne Thomas Mortagne
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