Resolution: Fixed
Release Notes - Maven Dependency Plugin - Version 3.0.1 ** Bug * [MDEP-409] - dependency:tree fails for a multi-module project where one module depends on another and "mvn install" has not been run yet * [MDEP-419] - dependency:list, dependency:build-classpath and dependency:tree result with the different dependencies order * [MDEP-420] - The dependency:get goal does not download the associate pom, or provide an option to do that * [MDEP-428] - Unpack goal does not fail build when destination could not be created and unpacks to current working directory instead * [MDEP-471] - Java 8 Method references are not detected * [MDEP-548] - The get Mojo doesn't resolve the artifact when setting transitive to false * [MDEP-560] - maven-dependency-plugin ignores method references passed as parameter * [MDEP-565] - Upgrade maven-artifact-transfer to version 0.9.1 ** Documentation * [MDEP-534] - Document format of mojo parameter 'artifact' ** Improvement * [MDEP-482] - Can't use both outputProperty and outputFile in build-classpath mojo * [MDEP-563] - Print dependency:resolve-plugins output just like other goal output * [MDEP-566] - Upgrade maven-common-artifact-filter to version 3.0.1 * [MDEP-567] - Upgrade to maven-dependency-tree to 3.0.1 ** New Feature * [MDEP-500] - Print GAV information in console output during dependency:resolve-plugins execution ** Task * [MDEP-547] - Remove some old (404) links from site