Resolution: Duplicate
Release 7.8.1 Bug fixes: problem with usage of third-party Check libraries and checkstyle 7.8. Author: rnveach, Roman Ivanov #4387 Notes: pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-check-annotation profile to 100%. Author: vasilyeva #4402 pitest: create profile for non-checks code . Author: vasilyeva #4367 Release 7.8 New: ImportControl: new strategyOnMismatch property to xml file structure. Author: Tima #4274 NoWhitespaceAfter: add support for method reference operator (new Acceptable token). Author: Dmytro Kytsmen #3950 LocalFinalVariableName: not validating try-with-resource variables (new Acceptable token). Author: vasilyeva #3348 IllegalImport: new property illegalClasses to let blacklist certain classes import. Author: Tima #3449 ExplicitInitialization: new property 'onlyObjectReferences'. Author: Subbu Dantu #2399 Bug fixes: Javadoc parser: Package names should permit digits in their name. Author: Piyush Sharma #4349 Expand exception violation when haltOnException is off. Author: rnveach #4350 CacheFile: violation on external resource will invalidate entire cache even if no changes are made. Author: rnveach #4101 RequireThis: False positive for lambda parameters. Author: Piyush Sharma #4207 Notes: bump version for sevnu-checkstyle. Author: Roman Ivanov publish all dtd schemas to sourceforge site automatically. Author: Andrei Selkin, Roman Ivanov #4341 Use reflection to load Checks base on checkstyle_packages.xml. Author: Luolc #3607 upgrade maven-pmd-plugin to version 3.8. Author: Dmytro Kytsmen #4342 Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for checks in coding package. Author: slava ganyaev, Dmytro Kytsmen #4165 ImportControl: blacklist mode. Author: Tima #3451 Localized UTs are not stable on Travis. Author: Roman Ivanov #4316 moved more variables inside if blocks to reduce execution. Author: rnveach #4343 spelling: Improve grammar of usage.distance.extend. Author: Jaron Thatcher Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for checks in annotation package. Author: Dmytro Kytsmen #4313 Revert "Revert "config: bump maven-surefire-xxxxxx to 2.20" due to unstable locale UTs #4316". Author: Roman Ivanov moved variables inside if blocks to reduce execution time. Author: rnveach #4328 doc: add link to contributing instructions to Author: Nathan Naze Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for checks in design package. Author: Dmytro Kytsmen #4314 Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test. Author: Dmytro Kytsmen #3891 Wercker CI is unstable while cloning repositories. Author: Roman Ivanov #4329 Revert "config: bump maven-surefire-xxxxxx to 2.20" due to unstable locale UTs #4316. Author: Roman Ivanov Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for PackageName. Author: Dmytro Kytsmen #4172 Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for MemberName. Author: Dmytro Kytsmen #4151 Split and Organize Checkstyle inputs by Test for MethodName. Author: Dmytro Kytsmen #4158 move all dtd schemas to sourceforge site. Author: Andrei Selkin #1571
Issue Links
- duplicates
XCOMMONS-1225 Upgrade to Checkstyle 8.0
- Closed