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  1. XWiki Commons
  2. XCOMMONS-1213

Upgrade to Commons Lang 3.6 and add dependency to Commons Text 1.1



    • Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 9.5-rc-1
    • 9.4
    • Dependency Upgrades
    • None
    • N/A


                                Apache Commons Lang
                                     Version 3.6
                                    Release Notes
      This document contains the release notes for the 3.6 version of
      Apache Commons Lang as well as a history all changes in the Commons Lang 3.x
      release line. Commons Lang is a set of utility functions and reusable
      components that should be of use in any Java environment. Commons Lang 3.6 at
      least requires Java 7.0. Note that this has changed from Commons Lang 3.5, which
      only required Java 1.6.
      For the advice on upgrading from 2.x to 3.x, see the following page:
      Some of the highlights in this release include:
      o The class org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.Memoizer is an implementation
          of the Memoizer pattern as shown in
          Goetz, Brian et al. (2006) - Java Concurrency in Practice, p. 108.
      o The class org.apache.commons.lang3.ArchUtils has been added. ArchUtils is
          a utility class for the "os.arch" system property.
      The Apache Commons Community has recently set up the Commons Text component
      as a home for algorithms working on strings. For this reason most of the string
      focused functionality in Commons Lang has been deprecated and moved to
      Commons Text. This includes:
      o All classes in the org.apache.commons.lang3.text and the
          org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate packages
      o org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils
      o org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils
      o The methods org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.getJaroWinklerDistance and
      For more information see the Commons Text website:
      The class org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding has been deprecated in favor of
      The following methods have been deprecated in
      org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils in favor of the corresponding insert
      methods. Note that the handling for null inputs differs between add and insert.
      o add(boolean[], int, boolean) -> insert(int, boolean[], boolean...)
      o add(byte[], int, boolean)    -> insert(int, byte[], byte...)
      o add(char[], int, boolean)    -> insert(int, char[], char...)
      o add(double[], int, boolean)  -> insert(int, double[], double...)
      o add(float[], int, boolean)   -> insert(int, float[], float...)
      o add(int[], int, boolean)     -> insert(int, int[], int...)
      o add(long[], int, boolean)    -> insert(int, long[], long...)
      o add(short[], int, boolean)   -> insert(int, short[], short...)
      o add(T[], int, boolean)       -> insert(int, T[], T...)
      The MANIFEST.MF now contains an additional entry:
        Automatic-Module-Name: org.apache.commons.lang3
      This should make it possible to use Commons Lang 3.6 as a module in the Java 9
      module system. For more information see the corresponding issue and the
      referenced mailing list discussions:
      The build problems present in the 3.5 release have been resolved. Building
      Commons Lang 3.6 should work out of the box with the latest Java 9 EA build.
      Please report any Java 9 related issues at:
      o LANG-1336: Add NUL Byte To CharUtils. Thanks to Beluga Behr.
      o LANG-1304: Add method in StringUtils to determine if string contains both
                   mixed cased characters. Thanks to Andy Klimczak.
      o LANG-1325: Increase test coverage of ToStringBuilder class to 100%.
                   Thanks to Arshad Basha.
      o LANG-1307: Add a method in StringUtils to extract only digits out of input
                   string. Thanks to Arshad Basha.
      o LANG-1256: Add JMH maven dependencies. Thanks to C0rWin.
      o LANG-1167: Add null filter to ReflectionToStringBuilder.
                   Thanks to Mark Dacek.
      o LANG-1299: Add method for converting string to an array of code points.
      o LANG-660:  Add methods to insert arrays into arrays at an index.
      o LANG-1034: Add support for recursive comparison to
                   EqualsBuilder#reflectionEquals. Thanks to Yathos UG.
      o LANG-1067: Add a reflection-based variant of DiffBuilder.
      o LANG-740:  Implementation of a Memomizer. Thanks to James Sawle.
      o LANG-1258: Add ArrayUtils#toStringArray method.
                   Thanks to IG, Grzegorz Rożniecki.
      o LANG-1160: StringUtils#abbreviate should support 'custom ellipses' parameter.
      o LANG-1293: Add StringUtils#isAllEmpty and #isAllBlank methods.
                   Thanks to Pierre Templier, Martin Tarjanyi.
      o LANG-1313: Add ArchUtils - An utility class for the "os.arch" system property.
                   Thanks to Tomschi.
      o LANG-1272: Add shuffle methods to ArrayUtils.
      o LANG-1317: Add MethodUtils#findAnnotation and extend
                   MethodUtils#getMethodsWithAnnotation for non-public, super-class
                   and interface methods. Thanks to Yasser Zamani.
      o LANG-1331: Add ImmutablePair.nullPair().
      o LANG-1332: Add ImmutableTriple.nullTriple().
      o LANG-1337: Fix test failures in IBM JDK 8 for ToStringBuilderTest.
      o LANG-1319: MultilineRecursiveToStringStyle StackOverflowError when object is
                   an array.
      o LANG-1320: LocaleUtils#toLocale does not support language followed by UN M.49
                   numeric-3 area code followed by variant.
      o LANG-1300: Clarify or improve behaviour of int-based indexOf methods in
                   StringUtils. Thanks to Mark Dacek.
      o LANG-1286: RandomStringUtils random method can overflow and return characters
                   outside of specified range.
      o LANG-1292: WordUtils.wrap throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.
      o LANG-1287: RandomStringUtils#random can enter infinite loop if end parameter
                   is to small. Thanks to Ivan Morozov.
      o LANG-1285: NullPointerException in FastDateParser$TimeZoneStrategy.
                   Thanks to Francesco Chicchiriccò.
      o LANG-1281: Javadoc of StringUtils.ordinalIndexOf is contradictory.
                   Thanks to Andreas Lundblad.
      o LANG-1188: StringUtils#join(T...): warning: [unchecked] Possible heap
                   pollution from parameterized vararg type T.
      o LANG-1144: Multiple calls of
                   are possible. Thanks to Waldemar Maier, Gary Gregory.
      o LANG-1276: StrBuilder#replaceAll ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
                   Thanks to Andy Klimczak.
      o LANG-1278: BooleanUtils javadoc issues. Thanks to Duke Yin.
      o LANG-1070: ArrayUtils#add confusing example in javadoc.
                   Thanks to Paul Pogonyshev.
      o LANG-1271: StringUtils#isAnyEmpty and #isAnyBlank should return false for an
                   empty array. Thanks to Pierre Templier.
      o LANG-1155: Add StringUtils#unwrap. Thanks to Saif Asif, Thiago Andrade.
      o LANG-1311: TypeUtils.toString() doesn't handle primitive and Object arrays
                   correctly. Thanks to Aaron Digulla.
      o LANG-1312: LocaleUtils#toLocale does not support language followed by UN M.49
                   numeric-3 area code.
      o LANG-1265: Build failures when building with Java 9 EA.
      o LANG-1314: javadoc creation broken with Java 8. Thanks to Allon Murienik.
      o LANG-1310: MethodUtils.invokeMethod throws ArrayStoreException if using
                   varargs arguments and smaller types than the method defines.
                   Thanks to Don Jeba.
      o LANG-1338: Add Automatic-Module-Name MANIFEST entry for Java 9
      o LANG-1334: Deprecate CharEncoding in favour of
      o LANG-1110: Implement HashSetvBitSetTest using JMH.
                   Thanks to Bruno P. Kinoshita.
      o LANG-1290: Increase test coverage of org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.
                   Thanks to Andrii Abramov.
      o LANG-1274: StrSubstitutor should state its thread safety.
      o LANG-1277: StringUtils#getLevenshteinDistance reduce memory consumption.
                   Thanks to yufcuy.
      o LANG-1279: Update Java requirement from Java 6 to 7.
      o LANG-1143: StringUtils should use toXxxxCase(int) rather than
                   toXxxxCase(char). Thanks to sebb.
      o LANG-1297: Add SystemUtils.getHostName() API.
      o LANG-1301: Moving apache-rat-plugin configuration into pluginManagement.
                   Thanks to Karl Heinz Marbaise.
      o LANG-1316: Deprecate classes/methods moved to commons-text.

      Source: http://www.apache.org/dist/commons/lang/RELEASE-NOTES.txt




            vmassol Vincent Massol
            vmassol Vincent Massol
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