Release Notes - Maven Checkstyle Plugin - Version 2.10
* [MCHECKSTYLE-181] Upgrade to Checkstyle 5.6
* [MCHECKSTYLE-172] Checkstyle Plugin 2.8+ generates an additional
aggregate report
* [MCHECKSTYLE-167] Unconfigured checkstyle plugin duplicates entries in
aggregated report
* [MCHECKSTYLE-144] If 'src/main/java' does not exist in a project then
checkstyle skips the other source folders of the project
* [MCHECKSTYLE-175] Upgrade usage.htm to make it clear how configuration
is done
New Feature
* [MCHECKSTYLE-184] Allow src/main/resources to be searched by Checkstyle
* [MCHECKSTYLE-179] use plexus java 5 annotations instead of old-style
javadoc annotations
* [MCHECKSTYLE-178] use maven-plugin-tools' java 5 annotations