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  1. XWiki Commons
  2. XCOMMONS-490

Upgrade Maven Surefire plugin to version 2.16



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      ** Bug
          * [SUREFIRE-998] - Problems with Umlauts in <system-out> (and probably <system-err>) content of junit xml report.
          * [SUREFIRE-1003] - Does not run test ThreeTestFour.java which matches the include **/*Test*.java
          * [SUREFIRE-1005] - Tests are ignored when using dependenciesToScan on linux only
          * [SUREFIRE-1006] - Junit report xml invalid utf8-caracters
          * [SUREFIRE-1008] - Junit report xml invalid utf8-caracters
          * [SUREFIRE-1012] - runOrder doesn't seem to have an effect at all for TestNG tests
          * [SUREFIRE-1014] - Unparsable test report XML when sysout contains invalid XML
          * [SUREFIRE-1015] - Site menu is duplicated
          * [SUREFIRE-1016] - SCM link broken
          * [SUREFIRE-1019] - TestNG provider fails to execute JUnit4 tests
          * [SUREFIRE-1020] - Incorrect XML escape in <system-out> and <system-err> content of junit xml report
      ** Improvement
          * [SUREFIRE-1021] - New ParallelComputer options
      ** Task
          * [SUREFIRE-1013] - Fix typo, forkCount instead of forkMode on fork options examples page


      ** Bug
          * [SUREFIRE-829] - junit | Support inheritance while running test cases belonging to a particular category/group
          * [SUREFIRE-938] - out of memory when logging more messages than heap size
          * [SUREFIRE-944] - Surefire does not execute tests on abstract classes that contain static nested classes
          * [SUREFIRE-951] - Better handling of file.encoding system property
          * [SUREFIRE-969] - Log line on screen output
          * [SUREFIRE-973] - add properties to classpathDependencyExcludes and additionalClasspathElements parameters
          * [SUREFIRE-985] - Some Parameterized tests are not executed (or not reported)
          * [SUREFIRE-989] - Maven Failsafe Web-Site (Documentation) is not usable / not deployed
          * [SUREFIRE-990] - NPE When using maven-failsafe-plugin in parallel mode with cucumber-jvm
          * [SUREFIRE-991] - NPE when all tests are done with failsafe (parallel=classes) and cucumber-jvm
          * [SUREFIRE-992] - Surefire trims too much stack, with trimStackTrace=true
          * [SUREFIRE-996] - <system-out> and <system-err> content of junit xml report are not escaped
          * [SUREFIRE-998] - Problems with Umlauts in <system-out> (and probably <system-err>) content of junit xml report.
          * [SUREFIRE-999] - Skip phase `validate` during site-generation for `report-only` resp. `failsafe-report-only`
      ** Improvement
          * [SUREFIRE-968] - Test summary line does not indicate what was being run when using concurrency
          * [SUREFIRE-1002] - Simplify classloader structure
      ** New Feature
          * [SUREFIRE-569] - There should be a way to run unit tests from a dependency jar.


      ** Bug
          * [SUREFIRE-943] - Failing tests in TEST-*.xml file contain currupt information
          * [SUREFIRE-946] - Maven hangs on SIGTERM when using Surefire forking (CommandLineUtils.ProcessHook)
          * [SUREFIRE-947] - perCoreThreadCount ineffective
          * [SUREFIRE-950] - ClassNotFoundException org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser not found
          * [SUREFIRE-953] - Multi-module build succeeds even if tests time out
          * [SUREFIRE-957] - XML report with Junit 4.7 or 4.11 does not include method names
          * [SUREFIRE-958] - Maven Surefire Web Page
          * [SUREFIRE-962] - SmartStackTraceParser cannot handle manipulated stack traces gracefully
      ** Improvement
          * [SUREFIRE-956] - Let ${surefire.forkNumber} deliver unique values when used in parallel mvn builds
      ** New Feature
          * [SUREFIRE-949] - Create forkCount parameter




            vmassol Vincent Massol
            vmassol Vincent Massol
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