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  2. XCOMMONS-81

Upgrade Maven Surefire Plugin to 2.12




      Surefire 2.12 now supports parallel forks, which can also be run
      in runOrder="balanced", which is a nice feature for long-running
      tests. Further improvements to selection of "groups" (JUnit categories)
      are now also supported.
      ** Bug
         * [SUREFIRE-789] - Junit Category: Tests without category fail
      with the message
      "initializationError(org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter)" when
      groups is set and forkMode=always
         * [SUREFIRE-793] - JUnit47 provider reports incorrect time in the XML report
         * [SUREFIRE-800] - redirectTestOutputToFile is not taken into
      account in all cases with JUnit47 provider
         * [SUREFIRE-804] - Testcase fails with forkMode=always and
         * [SUREFIRE-805] - Regression: surefire 2.11 seems to break
      excludeGroups config with TestNG
         * [SUREFIRE-810] - Endorsed dirs mechanism not working
         * [SUREFIRE-812] - log4j classloader problem in 2.11 that is not
      there in 2.10
         * [SUREFIRE-813] - Randomly wrong tests count and empty summary
      files with JUnitProvider47 when forking the tests.
         * [SUREFIRE-818] - Ignored Tests in case of NullPointerException raised!
         * [SUREFIRE-822] - JUnit4RunListener doesn't handle apparently
      'legal' junit descriptions
      ** Improvement
         * [SUREFIRE-803] - Multiple Failsafe executions - FAILURE in an
      execution prevents successive from running.
         * [SUREFIRE-806] - Make ignoring of <includes> and <excludes> on
      -Dtest=... optional (for multiple Surefire executions)
         * [SUREFIRE-820] - Documentation on how to use categories with
      JUnit is missing (includes patch)
      ** New Feature
         * [SUREFIRE-537] - Reason for the Ignored/Skipped testcases is not reported
         * [SUREFIRE-799] - Allow test parallelisation when forkMode=always
         * [SUREFIRE-809] - Implement boolean expression to define test
      group to be run.
      Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 2.11
      ** Bug
         * [SUREFIRE-508] - cannot run GWTTestCases with surefire
         * [SUREFIRE-549] - TestNg provider does not run junit tests
      correctly when forkMode=always
         * [SUREFIRE-746] - Other registered failing RunListeners cause
      NullPointerException in ConcurrentReporterManager, falsely report of
      "No tests were executed!":
         * [SUREFIRE-760] - mvn -Dtest=ClassName#methodName does not work
      with parallel tests
         * [SUREFIRE-775] - ForkingRunListener throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
         * [SUREFIRE-777] - Wrong default name for Failsafe Report
         * [SUREFIRE-780] - Success claimed when jvm fails to launch
         * [SUREFIRE-782] - Wrong links on surefire-plugin page
         * [SUREFIRE-785] - Lots of newlines being strewn about in test output
         * [SUREFIRE-786] - JUnit @Category are not taken into account if
         * [SUREFIRE-787] - Test fail cause message is badly displayed if
      exception message conatins line feeds
         * [SUREFIRE-791] - JUnit47 provider reports incorrect elapsed time
      on test failure.
         * [SUREFIRE-793] - JUnit47 provider reports incorrect time in the XML report
         * [SUREFIRE-801] - Classloading compatibility break with
      forkMode=NEVER in 2.9 and 2.10
      ** Improvement
         * [SUREFIRE-518] - Do not generate empty ouput files when
      redirectTestOutputToFile is enabled
         * [SUREFIRE-611] - surefire exit code should explicitly
      distinguish between crashed and failed unit test(s)
         * [SUREFIRE-772] - [Report Goal] Skip Maven Failsafe Report
      ** New Feature
         * [SUREFIRE-656] - JUnit 4.8 @Category support
         * [SUREFIRE-795] - There should be a way to balance tests across threads
      ** Story
         * [SUREFIRE-784] - Surefire plugin cannot be debugged remotely by eclipse
      ** Task
         * [SUREFIRE-802] - Dcoument Surefire API changes
      ** Wish
         * [SUREFIRE-329] - Support for JUNIT extensions




            vmassol Vincent Massol
            vmassol Vincent Massol
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