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Upgrade to Maven Surefire plugin 2.19



    • Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 7.3-rc-1
    • 7.3-milestone-1
    • None
    • N/A
    • N/A


      See https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20SUREFIRE%20AND%20status%20%3D%20Closed%20AND%20fixVersion%20in%20%282.19%2C%202.19.1%2C%202.17%2C%202.18%2C%202.18.1%29%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC

      Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 2.19
      ** Bug
          * [SUREFIRE-856] - Running single test in Failsafe using CLI does not override <includes> configuration
          * [SUREFIRE-919] - TestNG plugin fails to apply 'verbose' setting from TestNG.xml
          * [SUREFIRE-945] - Top of web page is pretty opaque
          * [SUREFIRE-964] - TEST-*.xml files generated by Surefire throw validation warnings in Eclipse for no grammer constraints (DTD or XML schema) referenced in the document
          * [SUREFIRE-983] - 'Running a Single Test' feature does not work as expected (for testng provider)
          * [SUREFIRE-986] - Groovy power assert incorrect indentation
          * [SUREFIRE-1024] - "verify" goal ignores "dependenciesToScan" parameter when checking tests existence
          * [SUREFIRE-1037] - Elapsed time is reported incorrectly for tests run in parallel
          * [SUREFIRE-1067] - Nested causes conflated with wrapper exception
          * [SUREFIRE-1084] - Surefire-report stack traces appear on a single line.
          * [SUREFIRE-1125] - Running multiple methods via the `test` property does not work in junit47 provider
          * [SUREFIRE-1126] - Discrepancy between test exclusion docs and plugin behavior
          * [SUREFIRE-1127] - Failsafe project does not fail in verify phase when a test case object errors during initialization
          * [SUREFIRE-1128] - Fix mvn 2.2.1 build process https://builds.apache.org/view/All/job/maven-surefire-mvn-2.2.1
          * [SUREFIRE-1129] - JDK 5 should be the min requirements in surefire project
          * [SUREFIRE-1131] - Remove obsolete maven profiles
          * [SUREFIRE-1133] - Surefire Windows Build fails on OOM
          * [SUREFIRE-1136] - Current working directory propagation in forked mode
          * [SUREFIRE-1137] - Problem with Umlauts in stdout
          * [SUREFIRE-1138] - Enabling reuseForks runs all tests in series on just one fork
          * [SUREFIRE-1144] - Time for testsuite on commandline does not suit with the time value given in the report file
          * [SUREFIRE-1146] - rerunFailingTestsCount not working with Parameterized test
          * [SUREFIRE-1148] - JUnit Method Filter (**/Class#method) should use same syntax as "test" parameter
          * [SUREFIRE-1150] - The surefire and failsafe plugin should not be dependent on JCIP
          * [SUREFIRE-1151] - surefire/failsafe home pages should link to apache.org for issues
          * [SUREFIRE-1152] - Option rerunFailingTestsCount silently fails with test suites
          * [SUREFIRE-1154] - TestNG and JUnit should be able to run its own tests
          * [SUREFIRE-1158] - Remove startup logs of the plugin and TestNG configurator
          * [SUREFIRE-1159] - JUnit47 runner failing in parallel mode
          * [SUREFIRE-1160] - -DTest=... should be independent of execustion section
          * [SUREFIRE-1161] - Executing selected (multiple) tests of same class gives Exception
          * [SUREFIRE-1167] - Upgrade DOXIA to Version 1.6
          * [SUREFIRE-1173] - Link to plugin's web site is reported as redirected by maven linkcheck plugin.
          * [SUREFIRE-1177] - TestNG "suitethreadpoolsize" parameter can not be set by Maven Surefire
          * [SUREFIRE-1179] - TestNG parallel options seem to not be honored
          * [SUREFIRE-1180] - Does not overrides include/exclude using -Dtest property
          * [SUREFIRE-1181] - "forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds" does not kill forked JVM although interrupted build
          * [SUREFIRE-1182] - Surefire 2.19 rc hangs when building maven core
          * [SUREFIRE-1184] - Documentation for TestNG parameter "testnames" - see SUREFIRE-845
      ** Improvement
          * [SUREFIRE-574] - additionalClasspathElements-feature improved
          * [SUREFIRE-597] - Surefire report creation fails on processing absent optional JUnit xml attributes
          * [SUREFIRE-622] - The TestNG command line option '-testrunfactory' should be supported.
          * [SUREFIRE-745] - -Dtest supports multiple test classes but not multiple test methods
          * [SUREFIRE-826] - maven-surefire-plugin does not add its own plugin dependencies to the classpath
          * [SUREFIRE-850] - Document how to run TestNG & JUnit 4 tests
          * [SUREFIRE-855] - Allow failsafe to use actual jar file instead of target/classes
          * [SUREFIRE-1065] - Allow includesFile and excludesFile parameters to be set from the commandline
          * [SUREFIRE-1155] - REFACTORING for Java 5
          * [SUREFIRE-1162] - Upgrade maven-shared-utils to Version 0.8
          * [SUREFIRE-1163] - Upgrade maven-verifier to Version 1.6
          * [SUREFIRE-1174] - Concurrent RunListeners should be annotated @ThreadSafe
          * [SUREFIRE-1178] - Upgrade maven-shared-utils to Version 0.9
      ** New Feature
          * [SUREFIRE-131] - Excluding tests with command line pattern
          * [SUREFIRE-524] - Forked Process not terminated if maven process aborted. Provide means to clean up.
          * [SUREFIRE-580] - Allow "fail fast" or stop running on first failure
          * [SUREFIRE-1134] - Take list of tests from file (-Dtest has upper limits for comma-separated list of tests)
          * [SUREFIRE-1140] - Support anchoring all test case names
      Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 2.18.1
      ** Bug
          * [SUREFIRE-859] - Exception in thread "TreadedStreamConsumer" java.lang.RuntimeException during GC
          * [SUREFIRE-1036] - Tests using MockitoJUnitRunner are always run regardless of membership in specified group
          * [SUREFIRE-1112] - Remove uneccessary newlines in console output for test results with no error
          * [SUREFIRE-1114] - NPE in TestSetStats. Concurrency issue with parallel methods on TestNG.
          * [SUREFIRE-1117] - The documentation of re-run parameter should mention limitations with JUnit 4.xprovider
          * [SUREFIRE-1121] - java.lang.NullPointerException org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.report.DefaultReporterFactory.mergeFromOtherFactories(DefaultReporterFactory.java:82)
          * [SUREFIRE-1122] - When running failsafe with -Dfailsafe.rerunFailingTestsCount and parallel all, the reports are not generated correctly
      ** Improvement
          * [SUREFIRE-987] - Provide user property for suiteXmlFile so that it can be passed from Maven Command line
          * [SUREFIRE-995] - Support searching superclass for JUnit @Category
          * [SUREFIRE-1109] - runOrder should have a user property
          * [SUREFIRE-1110] - Document the memory requirements to run unit- and integration tests for a release test
          * [SUREFIRE-1116] - Parallel Computer should use ConsoleLogger interface
          * [SUREFIRE-1120] - Improved warning message "File encoding has not been set, ..."
      Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 2.18
      ** Bug
          * [SUREFIRE-649] - Might be impossible to have empty strings in systemPropertyVariables element
          * [SUREFIRE-941] - TESTS header printed twice when forkMode is always
          * [SUREFIRE-963] - Unable to set empty environment variables
          * [SUREFIRE-1023] - Report generation fails with StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
          * [SUREFIRE-1028] - Unable to run single test (junit)
          * [SUREFIRE-1069] - Typo in alwaysGenerateSurefireReport doc: "Defaulyts"
          * [SUREFIRE-1072] - Duplicate example of commandline in run single test documentation
          * [SUREFIRE-1075] - Addresses to documented mailing lists in Maven site dead
          * [SUREFIRE-1077] - NPE problem will happen if you set testng status to fail at afterInvocation method
          * [SUREFIRE-1078] - Failure running forked mode with TestNG test suites defined via XML files
          * [SUREFIRE-1080] - Use parallel and fork together run some tests multiple times
          * [SUREFIRE-1081] - Doc claims parallel is TestNG only, but rest of doc implies junit works, too.
          * [SUREFIRE-1088] - When test fail during initialization the test execution time can result in a large negative number.
          * [SUREFIRE-1090] - NPE in SmartStacktraceParser if Thread.contextCassLoader is null
          * [SUREFIRE-1091] - IOException when test with much output prints in @After / @AfterClass - possible haning processes
          * [SUREFIRE-1092] - The shutdown hook of parallel computer randomly prints started tests after timeout overflow
          * [SUREFIRE-1095] - NPE in RunListener
          * [SUREFIRE-1096] - ClassCastException: Fork test for TestNG with xmlsuite
          * [SUREFIRE-1098] - runOrder=balanced is not working
          * [SUREFIRE-1099] - Invalid link ids in surefire-report
          * [SUREFIRE-1102] - The module surefire-setup-integration-tests fails with Maven 3.2.3
          * [SUREFIRE-1104] - Internal Maven Surefire IT tests fail with Maven 3.2.x
      ** Improvement
          * [SUREFIRE-1053] - Suppress warning message if file.encoding is set using argLine
          * [SUREFIRE-1097] - improve documentation includes/excludes
          * [SUREFIRE-1101] - Surefire does not shutdown thread-pools programatically after test run has finished.
          * [SUREFIRE-1105] - Surefire build should check Java 1.5 API signatures with JDK version > 5
          * [SUREFIRE-1106] - Update to minimum maven 2.2.1
          * [SUREFIRE-1108] - Surefire should print parallel tests in progress been stopped after elapsed timeout
      ** New Feature
          * [SUREFIRE-654] - TestNG: Recognize successful tests when using invocationCount and successPercentage parameters on the @Test annotation
          * [SUREFIRE-1087] - New option rerunFailingTestsCount
          * [SUREFIRE-1093] - Exceptional parallel execution on @NotThreadSafe testcase or suite
      Release Notes - Maven Surefire - Version 2.17
      ** Bug
          * [SUREFIRE-1031] - Temp files are not deleted properly
          * [SUREFIRE-1033] - Invalid XML on documentation page
          * [SUREFIRE-1038] - Regression: Method depends on nonexistent group
          * [SUREFIRE-1040] - Typo in documentation of IntegrationTestMojo#test
          * [SUREFIRE-1041] - JUnit47 provider: Exception in JUnit Runner can crash test run without visible stack trace
          * [SUREFIRE-1044] - Changed behaviour of TestNG test execution after implementing runOrder support
          * [SUREFIRE-1046] - Inproc test running does not work with java 8
          * [SUREFIRE-1051] - Surefire plugin creates files in /tmp and does not delete them on exit
          * [SUREFIRE-1055] - Parallel JUnit does not run all test methods with parallel=classesAndMethods perCoreThreadCount=false useUnlimitedThreads=true and threadCountMethods specified
          * [SUREFIRE-1056] - fractional forkCount does not work as intended on single core machines
          * [SUREFIRE-1063] - Typo in error message
      ** Improvement
          * [SUREFIRE-1030] - Remove nested exception wrappers
          * [SUREFIRE-1047] - Add @{...} property evaluation for the argLine
          * [SUREFIRE-1058] - TestSetFailedException trying to use maven-surefire-plugin + regular expressions for TestNG groups
          * [SUREFIRE-1062] - TestNG listeners on separate lines in pom.xml
      ** Wish
          * [SUREFIRE-1025] - TestSetRunListener.testSetCompleted() should write files first before reporting the completion on console.




            tmortagne Thomas Mortagne
            tmortagne Thomas Mortagne
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