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  1. XWiki Commons
  2. XCOMMONS-97

Upgrade Maven SSH Wagon to version 2.2




      We're currently using version 1.0-beta-7.

      Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 2.2
      ** Bug
          * [WAGON-359] - shared and shared4 module have the same class (same package) break tools using wagon http and dav
          * [WAGON-362] - Irritating message from Wagon
      ** Improvement
          * [WAGON-361] - avoid writing temporary file in putFromStream from wagon-http
          * [WAGON-365] - increase default read timeout value to 30 minutes.
          * [WAGON-366] - support Preemptive Authentication on proxy for wagon-http
      Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 2.1
      ** Bug
          * [WAGON-353] - StreamWagon.putFromStream() fails with IllegalStateException
      ** Improvement
          * [WAGON-358] - support Preemptive Authentication for wagon-webdav-jackrabbit
      ** Task
          * [WAGON-357] - Update to commons-net 3.0.1 because FTPClient truncates files in 3.0.0
      Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 2.0
      ** Bug
          * [WAGON-259] - Using Deprecated plexus-utils Commandline methods
          * [WAGON-277] - HttpClient wagon (wagon-http) uploads all files twice when preemptive authentication is disabled
          * [WAGON-288] - wagon-http uses old and cranky JTidy implementation
          * [WAGON-304] - Wrong checksum when deploy with wagon:httpclient provider
          * [WAGON-308] - Use of proxy properties in lightweight http wagon is not thread-safe
          * [WAGON-312] - Cannot download folders with spaces via SCP
          * [WAGON-314] - Permament move (error 301) not handled properly by Lightweight HTTP Wagon
          * [WAGON-327] - Upgrade JCraft to v0.1.44-1
          * [WAGON-332] - Treat STAT return code 200 (command ok) as valid result
          * [WAGON-335] - Tests fail with 'Address already in use' when building Wagon in parallel mode
          * [WAGON-336] - remove Sytem.out.println in wagons
          * [WAGON-338] - Exception from cyberneko from jenkins repo listing
          * [WAGON-344] - Error deploying maven-site throught webdav in childs modules
          * [WAGON-346] - LightWeight http wagon not thread-safe
          * [WAGON-351] - fix time out configuration in wagon-http
      ** Improvement
          * [WAGON-265] - Let ftp wagon copy to a non-existing directory
          * [WAGON-273] - Default the HTTP cookie policy to BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY
          * [WAGON-285] - Repository constructor NPE should be more verbose
          * [WAGON-289] - wagon-ftp should support the character encoding used by the FTP control connection.
          * [WAGON-303] - Make wagon-scm work better with git
          * [WAGON-313] - Upgrade httpclient to 4.x
          * [WAGON-317] - Do not wait for 401 "authentication needed" response to send the login/pwd on PUT queries
          * [WAGON-322] - The HTTP Wagons should use Reason-Phrase sent in HTTP Response and use that in exception message (at least incorporate it)
          * [WAGON-328] - Allow putDirectory to continue even if an individual file transfer fails
          * [WAGON-330] - Move to ASF httpclient 4.x
          * [WAGON-331] - Upgrade Wagon to use Java5 compatible libraries and finally drop old dependencies
          * [WAGON-347] - Support preemtive authentication
          * [WAGON-348] - reuse http connection for ASF httpclient provider
      ** Task
          * [WAGON-6] - Extend WagonTestCase to deal with a protocol in auth and no auth mode.
          * [WAGON-233] - Isolate unit tests
      ** Test
          * [WAGON-349] - add a unit to ensure file are not uploaded twice with wagon-http.
      Release Notes - Maven Wagon - Version 1.0
      ** Bug
          * [WAGON-327] - Upgrade JCraft to v0.1.44-1
          * [WAGON-338] - Exception from cyberneko from jenkins repo listing




            vmassol Vincent Massol
            vmassol Vincent Massol
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