Resolution: Unresolved
Rendering in the platform
Right now in some places in the new rendering we use the Parsers to parse some inline text (i.e. text inside a top level element: paragraph, list, etc).
The problem is that WikiModel parsers don't currently support inline parsing and thus when you pass text to them they consider the text to be part of a full document.
In practice we need that inline parser to ignore any top level element and only parse inline elements (formatting, word, space, special symbols, etc.
This is needed in the following locations:
- XHTML Renderer to parse the link "label"
- Velocity macro when it's used inline
So for example if you write:
This shouldn't be a {{velocity}}= header{{/velocity}}.
You'll get a header. I think that instead you should get the text: "This shouldn't be a = header"
Issue Links
- blocks
XWIKI-3699 When Velocity is inline and contain html macro in standalone context it generate a paragraph
- Closed