Here is a weird bug with wikimacro parameters: depending of the order they are declared in the macro call, they do or do not fallback to their default value.
For example, a macro with 3 parameters:
- pattern
- sortyBy (with default "date")
- sortOrder (with default "descending")
calling this macro like so
{{bug patterns=".*jpeg" sortBy="size" sortOrder="descending" /}}
would give:
patterns: .*jpeg sortBy: date sortOrder: descending
{{bug sortBy="size" patterns=".*jpeg" sortOrder="descending" /}}
would show:
patterns: $wikimacro.parameters.patterns sortBy: size sortOrder: descending
Strangely enough, the sortOrder parameter is never set to its default value, whatever its order is.
You can find attached to the ticket a minimal reproduction page for this issue. Just call the macro like the one of the examples above.