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Add refresh button on the ribbon and the taskpane. - XOFFICE-34
Create a "active selection actions" bottons group in the ribbon UI and synchronize it with the wiki explorer. - XOFFICE-33
Apply UI and source code rebranding from XWriter to XWord - XOFFICE-32
Create UI for adding new pages to the wiki. - XOFFICE-31
Show a continuous progress bar during long operations that need to restart Word. - XOFFICE-30
Support image upload from MS Word to XWiki - XOFFICE-29
Support image download from XWiki to MS Word - XOFFICE-28
Create "attach file to wiki page' feature. - XOFFICE-27
Show page attachments. Open attachments. - XOFFICE-26
XWikiLib - Create a .NET HTTP client with the main features of the XWiki API - XOFFICE-25
Handle basic authentication with the default HTTP client.
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