- [XWS-102] - Workstream updates do not appear correctly in the workspace dashboard
- [XWS-107] - Sometimes the "My Spaces" UI display a NPE trace
New Feature
- [XWS-7] - Manage groups of administrators & power users
- [XWS-79] - Invitation management
- [XWS-108] - Expose basic global settings (mail, registration) in an administration page
- [XWS-100] - Allow workspace applications to pass edition mode (edit or inline) to create.vm for items creation
- [XWS-101] - Allow new applications to declare their sidebar buttons without modifying menuview.vm
- [XWS-103] - Client side validation on Workspace creation form
- [XWS-104] - Add links for each admin section in the concerned panel
- [XWS-109] - New user directory UI using the AST table
- [XWS-110] - Add an information message when there are no stories to display on a user dashboard
- [XWS-111] - Refactoring of user navigation outside the workspaces
- [XWS-116] - New link to return to the workspace from its administration
- [XWS-117] - In a workstream check by default the box "do also post this update on the workspace dashboard"
- [XWS-105] - Allow to choose applications to install at workspace creation time
- [XWS-115] - Support public registration with optional captcha
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