Release Notes - {RETIRED} CKEditor Integration - Version 1.50 - HTML format


  • [CKEDITOR-304] - __cke_selected parameter displayed after inserting or editing a macro
  • [CKEDITOR-360] - In-line ID macro object no longer visible
  • [CKEDITOR-364] - The maximize (fullscreen) button is missing from the tool bar when editing in-line
  • [CKEDITOR-365] - Office import feature is missing when editing a wiki page in-place
  • [CKEDITOR-367] - The selection is not preserved correctly when switching to Source if a widget is selected
  • [CKEDITOR-369] - The caret is not visible anymore after inserting a macro, when using the in-place editor
  • [CKEDITOR-370] - Most of the toolbar items should be disabled for plain syntax


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