Added support for roundedCorners BrowserWindow constructor option on Windows. #45739 (Also in 35)
Backported fix for a upstream bug that cause Offscreen Rendering to stutter. #45659 (Also in 32, 33, 35)
Fixed WebFrameMain crash related to accessing speculative frames that have been destroyed. #45687 (Also in 33, 35)
Fixed v8.setHeapSnapshotNearHeapLimit api in main and utility process, along with support for --diagnostic-dir Node.js cli flag to specify the directory to save the heap snapshots. #45644 (Also in 33, 35)
Fixed a crash that could occur in OSR on window close. #45629 (Also in 35)
Fixed a potential crash when calling legacy getUserMedia with an invalid chromeMediaSourceId. #45756 (Also in 35)
Fixed a potential issues permissions in the Pointer Lock API after focus loss and regain. #45627 (Also in 35)
Fixed an issue where Electron may experience crashes on Linux with 16KiB pages. #45571 (Also in 33)
Fixed crash on startup with asan build on macOS. #45567 (Also in 33, 35)
Fixed drag and drop icons not showing on Windows. #45778 (Also in 35)
Fixed file preview window reappearing when calling win.closeFilePreview twice on macOS. #45662 (Also in 32, 33, 35)
Fixed web worker scripts failing to load for chrome extensions. #45710 (Also in 32, 33, 35)
Added permission support for document.executeCommand("paste"). #45472 (Also in 33, 35)
Fixed a bug where the default path didn't always correctly fill the Name field in KDialogs on Linux. #45419 (Also in 35)
Fixed an issue where RTL tooltips could be incorrect when using WCO on Windows. #45426 (Also in 33, 35)
Fixed an issue where Windows Control Overlay didn't work with some window configurations. #45478
Fixed an issue where selection of multiple directories with the dialog module didn't work on Linux. #45395 (Also in 35)
Other Changes
Added NSPrefersDisplaySafeAreaCompatibilityMode = false to Info.plist to remove "Scale to fit below built-in camera." from app options. #45469 (Also in 33, 35)