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  1. {RETIRED} XWiki Enterprise
  2. XE-746

Upgrade build to use the Maven Assembly plugin v2.2




      We're currently lagging behind and using version 2.2-beta-1

      Release Notes - Maven 2.x Assembly Plugin - Version 2.2 
      ** Bug 
           * [MASSEMBLY-94] - moduleSet/binaries doesn't work with 
      assembly:single bound to the build lifecycle 
           * [MASSEMBLY-140] - Assembly descriptor docs are incorrect for 
           * [MASSEMBLY-150] - Clarify or fix <file> relative scoping in 
      assembly descriptor to be module centric or location of mvn execution 
           * [MASSEMBLY-151] - Documentation for the assembly plugin is 
      utterly confusing 
           * [MASSEMBLY-157] - maven assembly  plugin, includes/excludes in 
           * [MASSEMBLY-167] - Property Expansion/Filtering does not always 
      work for System.properties 
           * [MASSEMBLY-171] - Fix / speedup integration tests 
           * [MASSEMBLY-185] - When using different parent and aggregator 
      poms, the assembly plugin does not package the ModuleSets of the 
      aggregator modules 
           * [MASSEMBLY-187] - Incorrect FileSet causes infinite loop 
           * [MASSEMBLY-202] - Silent failure: <outputFileNameMapping> 
      declared with multiple includes 
           * [MASSEMBLY-206] - Filtering does not work when using in fileSet 
      inside moduleSet 
           * [MASSEMBLY-220] - unpacked assemblies render different results 
      when enumerating dependencies vs. using wildcards 
           * [MASSEMBLY-228] - UnpackOptions filtered does not work 
           * [MASSEMBLY-248] - version was null for junit:junit 
           * [MASSEMBLY-289] - Fix bogus warning about attaching non-regular file 
           * [MASSEMBLY-299] - assembly does not honnor <dependencyManagement> 
           * [MASSEMBLY-332] - MANIFEST.MF is not used when specified in 
      configuration for a WAR format assembly 
           * [MASSEMBLY-333] - plugin not correctly interpolating POM 
      variables like ${settings.localRepository} 
           * [MASSEMBLY-337] - dependencySet with unpack=true cannot be used 
      to make file permissions executable 
           * [MASSEMBLY-346] - DependencySets Includes/Excludes Do Not Work 
      Correctly And Type Is Ignored 
           * [MASSEMBLY-360] - When using mulitple Spring dependencies, the 
      files from META-INF (from the Spring jars) overwrite each other in an 
      executable jar-with-dependencies. 
           * [MASSEMBLY-367] - mvn assembly:assembly fails to replace 
           * [MASSEMBLY-378] - Property expansion in assembly/component 
      descriptors does not escape &, <, >, ", or ' 
           * [MASSEMBLY-392] - Big slowdown on Linux when upgrading assembly 
      plugin from 2.2-beta-1 to 2.2-beta-3 
           * [MASSEMBLY-393] - Cannot Override dependencyManagement 
           * [MASSEMBLY-403] - No files is added for fileset 
           * [MASSEMBLY-420] - maven fails when packing parent pom 
           * [MASSEMBLY-423] - Specified file modes are used for all the 
      following fileSets 
           * [MASSEMBLY-424] - poor performance of dependencySet in assembly 
      descriptor (compared to using maven-dependency-plugin + fileSet) 
           * [MASSEMBLY-431] - missing files during installing when using goal 
           * [MASSEMBLY-432] - assembly misapplies depMgt and selects the 
      wrong dependency for an archive 
           * [MASSEMBLY-435] - DependencySet: outputDirectory expression using 
      ${artifact.baseVersion} uses equivalent of ${project.baseVersion} 
           * [MASSEMBLY-448] - Assembly plugin's dependency resolution for 
      dependency sets is not inline with maven dependency resolution 
           * [MASSEMBLY-451] - unpackOptions: Documentation on 
      maven.apache.org differs from "The definitive Guide", the latter is right 
           * [MASSEMBLY-455] - Incorrect documentation for Pre-defined 
      Descriptor Files 
           * [MASSEMBLY-462] - Assembly contains temporary files ending in 
           * [MASSEMBLY-464] - assembly descriptor id should be mandatory 
           * [MASSEMBLY-469] - Version for artifacts in dependencies section 
      are resolved wrong 
           * [MASSEMBLY-488] - restrict useStrictFiltering option to 
           * [MASSEMBLY-490] - Assembly fails with 'Too many files' error when 
      converting line endings. 
           * [MASSEMBLY-498] - Unable to get module properties 
           * [MASSEMBLY-499] - Poor performance in DirectoryArchiver due to 
      unnecessary native calls 
           * [MASSEMBLY-507] - 2.2-beta-6-SNAPSHOT component annotations MAY 
      not work with Maven 2.x 
           * [MASSEMBLY-509] - Hudson unable to build with version 2.2 
      ** Improvement 
           * [MASSEMBLY-66] - Ability to index into a nominated dependency JAR 
      to identify files to include in the assembly (Im thinking .so/.dll etc) 
           * [MASSEMBLY-115] - Should avoid modifying assembly if none of the 
      underlying files have changed. 
           * [MASSEMBLY-204] - Make a single goal (assembly:assembly) that 
      covers all cases of assembly:attached, directory, ... 
           * [MASSEMBLY-209] - Service provider configuration files should be 
      concatenated instead of overwritten 
           * [MASSEMBLY-229] - Documentation of fileMode could be improved to 
      avoid user trip hazard 
           * [MASSEMBLY-263] - Include component location information 
           * [MASSEMBLY-272] - getDescriptor and getDescriptorId should be 
           * [MASSEMBLY-307] - Better Validation of Assembly Descriptors 
           * [MASSEMBLY-486] - ComponentDescriptors to support absolute paths 
           * [MASSEMBLY-487] - Introduce ${artifact.properties} counterpart 
      for ${project.properties} 
      ** New Feature 
           * [MASSEMBLY-501] - Define a method of using moduleSet/binaries 
      from a child project to gain access to all modules in reactor 


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              vmassol Vincent Massol
              vmassol Vincent Massol
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