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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-12677

Upgrade to Jetty 9.2.13.v20150730



    • Unknown
    • N/A


      jetty-9.2.13.v20150730 - 30 July 2015
       + 472859 ConcatServlet may expose protected resources.
       + 473006 Encode addPath in URLResource
       + 473243 Delay resource close for async default content
       + 473266 Better handling of MultiException
       + 473322 GatherWrite limit handling
       + 473624 ProxyServlet.Transparent / TransparentDelegate add trailing slash
         before query when using prefix.
       + 473832 SslConnection flips back buffers on handshake exception
      jetty-9.2.12.v20150709 - 09 July 2015
       + 469414 Proxied redirects expose upstream server name.
       + 469936 Remove usages of SpinLock.
       + 470184 Send the proxy-to-server request more lazily.
      jetty-9.2.11.v20150529 - 29 May 2015
       + 461499 ConnectionPool may leak connections.
       + 463579 Add support for 308 status code.
       + 464292 Implement stream-based transformer for AsyncMiddleManServlet.
       + 464438 ClassFileTransformer support in
         org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader broken
       + 464740 DosFilter whiteList check improvement
       + 464869 PathResource.addPath allows absolute resolution.
       + 464989 AbstractSessionManager.removeEventListener() should remove
       + 465053 Prevent gzip buffer overflow on complete
       + 465181 HttpParser parse full end chunk.
       + 465202 Forked Mojo does not extract war overlays/dependencies
       + 465359 Resource.newResource(String res, boolean useCache) does not use
         useCache argument
       + 465360 URLResource.addPath should use _useCaches setting to create new
       + 465700 NullPointerException in ResourceHandler with welcome files
       + 465734 DosFilter whitelist bit pattern fix
       + 465747 Jetty is failing to process all HTTP OPTIONS requests.
       + 466329 Fixed local only TestFilter
       + 467276 NPE protection in SslContextFactory
       + 467603 Response 401 from server hangs client.
       + 467936 w Check HttpOutput aggregateSize is < bufferSize
       + 468008 Scanner ignores directory length
       + 468421 HttpClient#send fails with IllegalArgumentException on non-lowercase
       + 468714 SelectorManager updateKey race without submit
       + 468747 XSS vulnerability in HttpSpiContextHandler
      jetty-9.2.11.M0 - 25 March 2015
       + 454934 WebSocketClient / connectToServer can block indefinitely during
         upgrade failure
       + 459273 Redundant license notices
       + 461499 ConnectionPool may leak connections.
       + 461919 Use osgi-friendly serviceloader mechanism for WebSocketServletFactory
       + 461941 JMX Remote host:port set from start properties
       + 462546 ShutdownMonitor should bind to jetty.host
       + 462616 Race between finishing a connect and timing it out.
      jetty-9.2.10.v20150310 - 10 March 2015
       + 445518 Provide different error callbacks to ProxyServlet.
       + 456521 ShutdownHandler should shut down more gracefully
       + 458140 Added DispatcherType support to RewriteHandler
       + 460769 ClientUpgradeRequest sends cookies in the wrong format
       + 460905 Make sure TimeoutCompleteListener is cancelled if the request cannot
         be sent.
       + 461070 Handle setReadListener on request with no content
       + 461133 allow stop port to reuse address
       + 461452 Double release of buffer by HttpReceiverOverHTTP
       + 461499 ConnectionPool may leak connections.
       + 461623 BufferUtil.writeTo does not update position consistently
       + 461643 HttpContent.advance() race.
      jetty-9.2.9.v20150224 - 24 February 2015
       + 459273 Redundant license notices
       + 460176 When checking for precompiled jsp, ensure classname is present
       + 460180 Jaas demo has wrong doco in html
       + 460291 AsyncGzipFilter Mappings
       + 460371 AsyncMiddleManServlet.GZipContentTransformer fails if last transform
         has no output
       + 460372 if web.xml does not contain jspc maven plugin insertionMarker
         behavior is wrong
       + 460443 Race condition releasing the response buffer.
       + 460642 HttpParser error 400 can expose previous buffer contents in HTTP
         status reason message
      jetty-9.2.8.v20150217 - 17 February 2015
       + 451092 Connector will fail if HeaderListener return false.
       + 455436 ProxyServlet sends two User-Agent values.
       + 457893 Close temp jar resource
       + 458101 added test for maxFormContentSize
       + 458174 Example Jar Server
       + 458175 multipart annotation on lazily loaded servlet does not work
       + 458209 Length check for HttpMethod MOVE lookahead
       + 458354 ALPNServerConnection.select negotiation.
       + 458495 CompletableCallback may not notify failures.
       + 458527 Implement an async proxy servlet that can perform content
       + 458568 JDBCLoginService javadoc incorrectly references HashLoginService
       + 458849 org.eclipse.jetty.util.Uptime.DefaultImpl() not available on GAE
       + 459006 master branch does not build on norwegian locale
       + 459125 GzipHandler default mimeType behavior incorrect
       + 459352 AsyncMiddleManServlet should set "Host:" header correctly in proxy to
         remote request headers.
       + 459490 Defining a duplicate error page in webdefault.xml and web.xml results
         in an error
       + 459542 AsyncMiddleManServlet race condition on first download content.
       + 459560 jetty.sh handles start.d and no start.ini
       + 459769 AsyncMiddleManServlet race condition on last download content.
       + 459845 Support upgrade
       + 459963 Failure writing content of a committed request leaks connections.
      jetty-9.2.7.v20150116 - 16 January 2015
       + 420944 Hot Deployment of WAR when Context XML exists doesn't trigger
       + 448944 Provide m2e lifecycle mapping metadata for jetty-jspc-maven-plugin
       + 452201 Set the container classloader for osgi during webbundle undeploy
       + 454291 Added busy threads JMX attribute to QueuedThreadPool
       + 454773 SSLConnection use on Android client results in loop
       + 454954 Jetty osgi should skip fragment and required bundles that are in the
         uninstalled state
       + 454955 OSGi AnnotationParser should skip resources that are not in the
         classpath and close the class inputstream when done scanning it
       + 454983 Source bundles should not be singleton
       + 455047 Update JASPI
       + 455174 jetty-plus JNDI tests should use unique JNDI paths
       + 455330 Multiple Jetty-ContextFilePath entries separated by commas doesn't
       + 455476 Persist updated session expiry time for MongoSessionManager
       + 455655 ensure multipart form-data parsing exception thrown to servlet
       + 455863 Fixed jetty.sh handling of multiple JETTY_ARGS
       + 456426 Exception on context undeploy from EnvConfiguration
       + 456486 Jar containing ServiceContainerInitializer impl not found in TCCL in
       + 456956 Reduce ThreadLocal.remove() weak reference garbage
       + 457017 Reflective call to websocket methods that fail have ambiguous
       + 457032 Request sent from a failed CompleteListener due to connect timeout is
         failed immediately.
       + 457130 HTTPS request with IP host and HTTP proxy throws
       + 457696 JMX implementation should not be overridden by WebApp classes
      jetty-9.2.6.v20141205 - 05 December 2014
       + 383207 Use BundleFileLocatorHelperFactory to obtain BundleFileLocatorHelper
       + 443652 Remove dependency on java.lang.management classes
       + 447472 Clear async context timeout on async static content
       + 451529 Change sentinel class for finding jstl on classpath to
       + 451634 DefaultServlet: useFileMappedBuffer javadoc is misleading
       + 452188 Delay dispatch until content optimisation.
       + 452201 EnvConfiguration.destroy() should set the classloader
       + 452246 Fixed SSL hang on last chunk
       + 452261 Multiple servlets map to path *.jsp when using jsp-property-group
       + 452424 Do not add Date header if already set
       + 452516 Make HttpOutput aggregation size configurable.
       + 453386 Jetty not working when configuring QueuedThreadPool with
       + 453629 Fixed big write test
       + 453793 _maxHeaderBytes>0 is not verified in parseNext() when in
       + 453801 Jetty does not check for already registered services when
       + 454157 HttpInput.consumeAll spins if input is in async mode.
      jetty-9.2.5.v20141112 - 12 November 2014
       + 448446 org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main create classloader duplicate
       + 449594 Handle ArrayTrie overflow with false return
       + 449811 handle unquoted etags when gzipping
       + 450467 Integer overflow in Session expiry calculation in MongoSessionManager
       + 450483 Missing parameterization of etc/jetty-deploy.xml.
       + 450484 Missing parameterization of etc/jetty-http[s].xml.
       + 450855 GzipFilter MIGHT_COMPRESS exception
       + 450873 Disable tests that downcaste wrapped GzipFilterResponses
       + 450894 jetty.sh does not delete JETTY_STATE at start
      jetty-9.2.4.v20141103 - 03 November 2014
       + 376365 "jetty.sh start" returns 0 on failure
       + 396569 'bin/jetty.sh stop' reports 'OK' even when jetty was not running
       + 396572 Starting jetty from cygwin is not working properly
       + 438387 NullPointerException after ServletUpgradeResponse.sendForbidden is
         called during WebSocketCreator.createWebSocket
       + 440729 SSL requests often fail with EOFException or IllegalStateException.
       + 440925 NPE when using relative paths for --start-log-file
       + 442419 CrossOriginFilter javadoc says "exposeHeaders", but should be
       + 442495 Bad Context ClassLoader in JSR356 WebSocket onOpen
       + 442942 Content sent with status 204 (No Content)
       + 443529 CrossOriginFilter does not accept wildcard for allowedHeaders
       + 443530 CrossOriginFilter does not set the Vary header
       + 443550 improved FileResource encoded alias checking
       + 444031 Ensure exceptions do not reduce threadpool below minimum
       + 444124 JSP include with <servlet><jsp-file> can cause infinite recursion
       + 444214 Socks4Proxy fails when reading less than 8 bytes.
       + 444222 replace CRLF in header values with whitespace rather than ?
       + 444415 iterative WriteFlusher
       + 444416 AsyncProxyServlet recursion.
       + 444517 Ensure WebSocketUpgradeFilter is always first in filter chain
       + 444547 Format exception in ResourceCache.Content.toString()
       + 444595 nosql/mongodb - Cleanup process/Refreshing does not respect encoding
         of attribute keys
       + 444617 Expose local and remote socket address to applications
       + 444676 Goal jetty:deploy-war produces errors with version 9.2.3
       + 444722 Fixed order of setReuseAddress call
       + 444748 WebSocketClient.stop() does not unregister from ShutdownThread
       + 444764 HttpClient notifies callbacks for last chunk of content twice.
       + 444771 JSR356 / EndPointConfig.userProperties are not unique per endpoint
       + 444863 ProxyServlet does not filter headers listed by the Connection header.
       + 444896 Overriding of web-default servlet mapping in web.xml not working with
       + 445157 First redeployed servlet leaks WebAppContext
       + 445167 Allow configuration of dispatch after select.
       + 445239 Rename weld.mod to cdi.mod to be consistent with past module namings
       + 445258 STOP.WAIT is not really respected
       + 445374 Reevaluate org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356 enablement concepts
       + 445495 Improve Exception message when no jndi resource to bind for a name in
       + 445542 Add SecuredRedirectHandler for embedded jetty use to redirect to
         secure port/scheme
       + 445821 Error 400 should be logged with RequestLog
       + 445823 RequestLogHandler at end of HandlerCollection doesn't work
       + 445830 Support setting environment variables on forked jetty with
       + 445979 jetty.sh fails to start when start-stop-daemon does not exist and the
         user is not root
       + 446033 org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.WebSocketServerFactory not
         available in OSGi
       + 446063 ALPN Fail SSL Handshake if no supported Application Protocols.
       + 446107 NullPointerException in ProxyServlet when extended by Servlet without
         a package
       + 446425 Oracle Sql error on JettySessions table when this table do not exist
       + 446506 getAsyncContext ISE before startAsync on async dispatches
       + 446559 Avoid spin consuming extra data
       + 446563 Null HttpChannel.getCurrentHttpChannel() in
       + 446564 Refactored RequestLog Mechanism
       + 446672 NPN Specification issue in the case no protocols are selected.
       + 446923 SharedBlockingCallback does not handle connector max idle time of
         Long.MAX_VALUE; BlockerTimeoutException not serializable
       + 446944 ServletTester and HttpTester should be in
       + 447216 putAll Properties in XmlConfiguration
       + 447381 Disable SSLv3 by default.
       + 447472 test harness for slow large writes
       + 447515 Remove GzipFilter
       + 447627 MultiPart file always created when "filename" set in
       + 447629 getPart()/getParts() fails on Multipart request if getParameter is
         called in a filter first
       + 447746 HttpClient is always going to send User-Agent header even though I do
         not want it to.
       + 447979 Refactor to make MetaData responsible for progressively ordering
         web-inf jars
       + 448156 Fixed INACTIVE race in IteratingCallback
       + 448225 Removed unnecessary synchronize on initParser
       + 448675 Impossible to set own Threadpool when using jetty-maven-plugin
       + 448841 Clarified selectors==0 javadoc 448840 Clarified ServerConnector
         javadoc 448839 Fixed javadoc typo in ServerConnector
       + 449001 Remove start.d directory from JETTY_HOME
       + 449003 WARNING: Cannot enable requested module [protonego-impl]: not a valid
         module name
       + 449038 WebSocketUpgradeFilter must support async.
       + 449175 Removed extra space in NCSA log
       + 449291 create-files downloads without license
       + 449372 Make jvmArgs of jetty:run-forked configurable from command line
       + 449603 OutputStreamContentProvider hangs when host is not available.




            vmassol Vincent Massol
            vmassol Vincent Massol
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