Resolution: Duplicate
Mozilla 45
1. Open a clean instance of XE 7.4.2 as Admin.
2. Make all the configuration for the e-mail sending and invitation application to be able to send e-mails to users.
3. Go to invitation page. Type an e-mail, title, description and click the button Invite.
4. Check the content of the e-mail sent. You will find in the bottom to it a section that says: " If this message looks like abuse of our system, please report it. "
5. Click on link Report it.
Actual result:
- You will be redirected to this page: http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Invitation/InvitationGuestActions?doAction_report=y&messageID=09918562178579450688995390303412608928196913791426
- On this page, you will find a velocity error that says:
Failed to execute the [include] macro.
org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: Current user [null] doesn't have view rights on document [qaws:XWiki.RatingsMacros]
Expected result:
- After you click on "Report it" link from the e-mail, you see the report page as a guest.
- A guest doesn`t need view rights on that wiki for reporting an invitation.
- I consider it`s correct to display the light gray wiki template for guests who report an invitation.
- More than that, the guests are able to send a reporting note to the administrator.
- I expect to remove/ hide that error, because it doesn`t influence the reporting functionality.
- The same scenario when you access these links from the e-mail sent: Accept the invitation and join / Decline
Issue Links
- duplicates
XWIKI-13040 Velocity error displayed for XWikiGuest user when accepting invitation
- Closed