After fixing XWIKI-13468 we noticed that the document tree was very slow on MySql when expanding a tree node with 5k child nodes. This is the SQL query that is executed on the database:
select xwikipage0_.reference as col_0_0, xwikipage0_.terminal as col_1_0 from ( select XWS_REFERENCE as reference, false as terminal, XWS_NAME as name, XWS_PARENT as parent, XWS_HIDDEN as hidden from xwikispace union all select XWD_FULLNAME as reference, true as terminal, XWD_NAME as name, XWD_WEB as parent, XWD_HIDDEN as hidden from xwikidoc where XWD_TRANSLATION = 0 and XWD_NAME <> 'WebHome' ) xwikipage0_ left outer join ( select case when XWD_NAME = 'WebHome' then XWD_WEB else XWD_FULLNAME end as reference, case when XWD_NAME = 'WebHome' then false else true end as terminal, nullif(XWD_TITLE, '') as title, XWD_LANGUAGE as locale, XWD_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE as defaultLocale from xwikidoc ) translatio1_ on xwikipage0_.reference=translatio1_.reference and xwikipage0_.terminal=translatio1_.terminal and (translatio1_.locale='') left outer join ( select case when XWD_NAME = 'WebHome' then XWD_WEB else XWD_FULLNAME end as reference, case when XWD_NAME = 'WebHome' then false else true end as terminal, nullif(XWD_TITLE, '') as title, XWD_LANGUAGE as locale, XWD_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE as defaultLocale from xwikidoc ) translatio2_ on xwikipage0_.reference=translatio2_.reference and xwikipage0_.terminal=translatio2_.terminal and (translatio2_.locale='en') where xwikipage0_.parent='Test' and xwikipage0_.hidden<>1 order by lower(coalesce(translatio2_.title, translatio1_.title,, coalesce(translatio2_.title, translatio1_.title, limit 15
Initially we thought the query is slow only because of the complex order by clause but it turns out that it is slow also when performing pagination without sorting. The first page is loaded very fast (200ms without sorting) but the query becomes slower and slower as we increase the offset (3s on the 5th page). The query takes at least 32s when sorting by title.
The slowness seems to be caused by the fact that we join and apply constraints to a temporary table which is the result of a union. Temporary tables don't have indexes and thus retrieving the rows is very slow (compared to a real table). The recommended solution is to move the joins and constrains inside the union, even if this means duplicating them for each of the unified selects.
What's strange is that HSQLDB, Oracle and PostgreSql don't have this problem. It seems that MySql's query optimizer is not as good as theirs (it doesn't know how to re-write the query so that the joins and constrains are inside the union).
Issue Links
- depends on
XWIKI-13449 Upgrade to HSQLDB 2.3.4
- Closed
- relates to
XWIKI-13755 Document Tree wrongly showing user profile pages
- Closed
XWIKI-13468 The query used by the Document Tree to get the nested child pages is very costly
- Closed