
    • Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 9.7-rc-1
    • 9.6
    • Dependency Upgrades
    • None
    • Unknown
    • N/A


      Release Notes - PDFBox - Version 2.0.7
      ** Bug
          * [PDFBOX-3515] - Problems with CourierStd font
          * [PDFBOX-3536] - IOException "Invalid dictionary, found: 'r' but expected: '/' at offset 1148" on a valid PDF
          * [PDFBOX-3794] - Problem in TextPosition implementation
          * [PDFBOX-3795] - PDFMergeUtility error invalid stored block lengths
          * [PDFBOX-3798] - Truncated file has first page empty
          * [PDFBOX-3799] - Problem in TextPosition's hashCode
          * [PDFBOX-3806] - Nullpointer exception in getLeftSideBearing
          * [PDFBOX-3807] - CMapParser NullPointerException
          * [PDFBOX-3811] - Problem with calling "saveIncrementalForExternalSigning" more than once in the same document
          * [PDFBOX-3813] - PDF Box crash when using PDFToImage or PDFDebug
          * [PDFBOX-3817] - Signature form names not standard
          * [PDFBOX-3821] - Newly added MDP functionality breaks PDFs <1.5
          * [PDFBOX-3826] - NPE if RAFDataStream.getCurrentPosition() when TrueTypeFont created from file is reused
          * [PDFBOX-3827] - Setting empty values on listbox keeps marked item
          * [PDFBOX-3829] - ExtractImages fails for JPX images
          * [PDFBOX-3831] - v2.0.6 still has hardcoded reference to BouncyCastleProvider
          * [PDFBOX-3832] - PDFBox Won't Embed a Font for a Form Field if Field is Empty
          * [PDFBOX-3833] - Characters in wrong order
          * [PDFBOX-3836] - PDFToImage: Text missing or background box stacks over
          * [PDFBOX-3838] - NPE in PatchMeshesShadingContext.readPatch()
          * [PDFBOX-3839] - AIOOB in PDResources.getFont()
          * [PDFBOX-3845] - Could not find referenced cmap stream H
          * [PDFBOX-3847] - code has bug
          * [PDFBOX-3850] - DrawPrintTextLocations should limit bbox paint to font bbox when type 3 font has incorrect large glyph bbox
          * [PDFBOX-3852] - Overlay a pdf file which is 750 pages ends up in OutOfMemoryError
          * [PDFBOX-3855] - NPE in CFFParser.parse()
          * [PDFBOX-3857] - Can not extract exported values for  PDRadioButton
          * [PDFBOX-3858] - Optimize 1 component DeviceN colorspace
          * [PDFBOX-3861] - ClassCastException: org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSStream cannot be cast to org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSString
          * [PDFBOX-3864] - UTF16 encoded string to PDFDocEncoding
          * [PDFBOX-3867] - IndexOutOfBoundsException on CMapParser
      ** Improvement
          * [PDFBOX-2963] - Remove Bouncy Castle Provider Reference
          * [PDFBOX-3820] - [Patch] Improved signing of existing signature fields II
          * [PDFBOX-3824] - Optimize TrueType font embedder
          * [PDFBOX-3828] - Generate appearance stream for multiselect listboxes
          * [PDFBOX-3854] - PDDeviceRGB.toRGBImage should return a RGB-Typed-Image
          * [PDFBOX-3859] - Output destination page in PrintBookmarks example
          * [PDFBOX-3860] - TilingPaint.getImage() should return an ARGB-Typed-Image
          * [PDFBOX-3863] - Support duplex entry in ViewerPreferences
          * [PDFBOX-3868] - Optimize usage of COSStream construction
          * [PDFBOX-3869] - Splitter.createNewDocument() should be able to consider different MemoryUsageSetting configurations
      ** Task
          * [PDFBOX-3823] - Question about forming a PDF document, including CMYK images for printing.
          * [PDFBOX-3865] - Add OWASP dependency-check to build




            tmortagne Thomas Mortagne
            tmortagne Thomas Mortagne
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