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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-14754

Upgrade to Jetty 9.4.7.v20170914



    • Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 9.9-rc-2
    • 9.8
    • Dependency Upgrades
    • None
    • Unknown
    • N/A


      See http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-project/9.4.7.v20170914/jetty-project-9.4.7.v20170914-version.txt

      jetty-9.4.7.v20170914 - 14 September 2017
       + 215 Consider native ALPN/SSL provider
       + 487 JDK 9 build compatibility
       + 1116 Support empty HTTP header values
       + 1200 Use PathWatcher in DeploymentManager
       + 1357 RolloverFileOutputStream: No rollout performed at midnight
       + 1416 GzipHandler generated ETag suffix has problems with If-Match header
       + 1468 Configure PKIX Revocation Checker for SslContextFactory
       + 1469 RolloverFileOutputStream: IllegalStateException Task already scheduled
       + 1498 Add JRTResource to support future Java 9 classloader behaviors
       + 1499 ClasspathPattern needs MODULE ruleset to support future Java 9
         classloader behaviors
       + 1503 IPv6 address needs normalization (without brackets) in
       + 1507 RolloverFileOutputStream: Negative delay Timer.schedule exception
       + 1513 RolloverFileOutputStream: can't handle multiple instances
       + 1515 Improved RollOverFileOutputStream removeOldFiles() behavior
       + 1520 PropertyUserStore should extract packed config file
       + 1556 Remove a timing channel in Password matching
       + 1571 Support Hazelcast session management in 9.4
       + 1590 Improve RolloverFileOutputStream functionality with multiple TimeZones
       + 1591 JDBCSessionDataStore doesn't work with root context on Oracle DB
       + 1592 CompressedContentFormat.tagEquals() - incorrect comparison of entity
         tag hashes
       + 1595 HTTP/2: Avoid sending unnecessary stream WINDOW_UPDATE frames
       + 1600 Update jndi.mod and plus.mod
       + 1603 WebSocketServerFactory NPE in toString()
       + 1604 WebSocketContainer stop needs improvement
       + 1605 ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer() behavior is not to spec
       + 1618 AsyncContext.dispatch() does not use raw/encoded URI
       + 1622 HeaderFilter doesn't work if the response has been committed
       + 1623 JettyRunMojo use dependencies from reactor (outputdirectory)
       + 1625 Support new IANA declared Websocket Close Status Codes
       + 1637 Thread per connection retained in HTTP/2
       + 1638 Add it test for Maven Plugin
       + 1642 Using RewriteHandler with AsyncContext.dispatch() and
         HttpServletRequestWrapper not possible
       + 1643 ProxyServlet always uses default number of selector threads -
         constructor should allow to overwrite the default.
       + 1645 NotSerializableException: DoSFilter when using Non-Clustered Session
         Management: File System
       + 1655 Improve extensibility of ServerConnector
       + 1656 Improve configurability of ConnectionPools
       + 1661 AbstractProxyServlet onProxyResponseFailure Error
       + 1662 NPE with WebSocket Compress Extensions
       + 1664 IPAccessHandler CIDR IP range check is incorrect
       + 1671 Asymmetric usage of trailers in MetaData.Request
       + 1675 Session id should not be logged with INFO level in AbstractSessionCache
       + 1679 DeploymentManagerMBean not usable through JMX
       + 1682 Jetty-WarFragmentFolderPath directive has no effect in eclipse runtime
         mode except for the first launch
       + 1685 Update ALPN support for Java 8u141
       + 1687 HTTP2: Correcting missing callback notification when channel not found
       + 1692 Annotation scanning should ignore `module-info.class` files
       + 1698 Missing WWW-Authenticate from SpnegoAuthenticator when other
         Authorization header provided
       + 1702 Update ALPN support for Java 8u144
       + 1703 Improve HttpInput failure logging
       + 1706 Log Implementation ignored when executing under OSGi
       + 1709 SpnegoAuthenticator improperly handling case-insensitive Negotiate
       + 1713 Do not over allocate selectors for small thread pools
       + 1715 Standardise properties and ids in jetty XML files
       + 1717 DoSFilter getRateTracker IP/Port loadId minor improvement
       + 1718 QueuedThreadPool not exposed on JMX
       + 1719 HTTP/2: Improve handling of queued requests
       + 1721 Async I/O POST fails with big files
       + 1724 Add dependency on jetty-annotations for apache-jsp
       + 1732 Allow pause accepting new connections during high load
       + 1737 DefaultServlet wrong welcome dispatcher using non-root URL path
       + 1738 jetty-bom fails oss.sonatype.org validation
       + 1741 Java 9 javadoc failure in build
       + 1749 Dump HttpDestination exchange queue
       + 1750 PoolingHttpDestination creates ConnectionPool twice
       + 1759 HTTP/2: producer can block in onReset
       + 1766 JettyClientContainerProvider does not actually use common objects
       + 1789 PropertyUserStoreTest failures in Windows
       + 1790 HTTP/2: 100% CPU usage seen during close/shutdown of endpoint
       + 1792 Accept ISO-8859-1 characters in response reason
       + 1794 Config properties typos in session-store-cache.mod
       + 1795 Fix session id manager workerName
       + 1796 ReservedThreadExecutor defaulting to capacity=1 only
       + 1797 JEP 238 - Multi-Release JAR files break bytecode scanning
       + 1798 JMXify EatWhatYouKill
       + 1804 Make EndPoint creation and destroy a non-blocking task
       + 1805 ReservedThreadExecutor should start ReservedThreads lazily
       + 1809 NPE: StandardDescriptorProcessor.visitSecurityConstraint() with null/no
         security manager
       + 1814 Move JavaVersion to jetty-util for future Java 9 support requirements
       + 1816 HttpClientTest.testClientCannotValidateServerCertificate() hangs with
         JDK 9
       + 475546 ClosedChannelException when connection to HTTPS over HTTP proxy
         with CONNECT




            tmortagne Thomas Mortagne
            tmortagne Thomas Mortagne
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