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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-18577

Upgrade to TestContainers 1.15.3



    • Unknown
    • N/A
    • N/A



      Release notes:

      What's Changed
      rocket Features & Enhancements
          Localstack: Make it possible to provide custom LocalStack services (#3995) @bsideup
          Localstack: Add EC2 to localstack services enum (#3955) @pinzon
          Add TrinoContainer, a container for Trino (#3668) @findepi
          Compose: Make DockerComposeContainer only pull necessary images when multiple compose files were given (#3787) @askfor
          Delegate copyFile{To,From}Container's state verification to Docker (#3805) @michael-simons
      bug Bug Fixes
          MySQL: Fix problem of starting up mysql 5.7.33 version when user is root (#3953) @seveneves
          JDBC: Prevent ContainerDatabaseDriver from throwing NPEs when on classpath but not initialized (#3976) @mrotteveel
          Filter mapped ports when port numbers are not specified (replaces #3948) (#3979) @rnorth
          Compose: Fix NPE bug with docker-compose files in working directory (#3866) @GooseMagnet
          Selenium: Fix mp4 recording to be compatible with Firefox (#3812) @leonard84
      book Documentation
          Update docs to clarify shading approach (#3974) @bsideup
          Gitlab: add information for TLS disabled mode (#2466) @pmihalcin
          Add example of mapping from file in system (#3808) @kevinrobayna
          Add Cloudflare Web Analytics to docs site (#3896) @rnorth
          Bump docs environment to python 3.7 (#3871) @xp-vit
          Add Backbase (#3870) @torrespro
          Documentation TransferWise has changed its name as Wise. (#3873) @muzir
          Add Google (#3868) @jamesward
      broom Housekeeping
          Pin localstack to 0.12.8 (#3981) @rnorth
          Bump docs environment to python 3.7 (#3871) @xp-vit
          Fix GitHub Actions error due to short SHA form (#3874) @rnorth
      package Dependency updates
          Update docker-java to 3.2.8 (#3980) @bsideup
          Bump s3 from 2.15.56 to 2.16.34 in /modules/localstack (#3963) @dependabot
          Bump pulsar-client from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 in /modules/pulsar (#3913) @dependabot
          Bump aws-java-sdk-sqs from 1.11.930 to 1.11.986 in /modules/localstack (#3942) @dependabot
          Bump elasticsearch-rest-client from 7.10.1 to 7.12.0 in /modules/elasticsearch (#3945) @dependabot
          Bump org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm from 1.4.21-2 to 1.4.32 in /examples (#3947) @dependabot
          Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from e5ccf147077e46b0225a80bbe314d795d77bb7a2 to 5.15.0 (#3915) @dependabot
          Bump testcontainers from 1.15.1 to 1.15.2 in /core (#3795) @dependabot
          Docs: Bump jinja2 from 2.11.2 to 2.11.3 (#3897) @dependabot




            vmassol Vincent Massol
            surli Simon Urli
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