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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-18848

Upgrade to TestContainers 1.16.0



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      Release notes:

      What's Changed
      Testcontainers 1.16.0 is here! tada
      This release brings many small fixes and improvements; among them:
      Better M1 Mac compatibility
      Users of M1 Mac will be pleased to know that Testcontainers now falls back to pulling x86_64 images when ARM64 images are unavailable, meaning that Docker's QEMU compatibility mode will be used to run the image. It's not perfect - not every image runs under QEMU. However, this allows Testcontainers users with M1 Macs to use more images than they could previously.
      If possible, users should use recently published images for their dependencies which have a native ARM64 variant, rather than relying on QEMU emulation.
      Startup performance and reliability improvements
      Some issues affecting container startup time and reliability (especially with Docker for Windows) have been fixed.
      Additionally, this release uses the latest version of docker-java and uses an Apache HttpClient5 transport by default. This resolves bugs encountered by some users when the previous default transport (okhttp) relating to image pulling.
      As always, thank you to our many users and contributors!
      rocket Features & Enhancements
          Fallback to x86 image if image pulling fails (#4290) @bsideup
          Spock Testcontainers annotation is now inherited (#4053) @tlefevre
          Use Apache HttpClient5 transport as the default (#4287) @bsideup
          Remove visible assertions dependency (#4010) @bsideup
          Couchbase: Add support for community edition of couchbase server (#4221) @Gerschtli
          Couchbase: Update to latest version, add flushEnabled flag (#4041) @Gerschtli
          Only publish exposed ports (#4122) @rnorth
          Allow DOCKER_HOST and related settings to be set in ~/.testcontainers.properties (#4118) @rnorth
          Use implicit strategy when docker.host configuration is set (#4175) @rnorth
          Improve logging in InternalCommandPortListeningCheck (#2984) (#3001) @vcvitaly
      bug Bug Fixes
          Remove withPublishAllPorts from Ryuk and stabilize containerInfo content on start (#4263) @kiview
          Allow for docker timestamps with timezone offsets (#4073) @candrews
          Fix KafkaContainer with multiple networks defined (#4213) @DennisFederico
          Fixed potential NPE in MountableFile (#4193) @fkorotkov
          Improve log messages when database container test query fails (#3015) @vcvitaly
      book Documentation
          Remove GitHub Sponsors button (#4217) @rnorth
          Add @oleg-nenashev as backer, reference @jenkinsci and @cloudbees as adopters (#4170) @oleg-nenashev
          Docs: Use testImplementation instead of deprecated testCompile (#4054) @slovdahl
          Docs: Add Backbase as Bronze sponsor (#4039) @torrespro
      broom Housekeeping
          Split Windows CI into core and non-core steps (#4293) @rnorth
          Upgrade alpine images for better M1 compatibility (#4291) @rnorth
          Switch from using Travis to GitHub Actions for release (#3434) @rnorth
          Remove stalebot (#4216) @rnorth
          Cleanup japicmp excludes (#4192) @bsideup
          Update to Gradle 7 (#4171) @bsideup
          Add combine-prs workflow (#4176) @rnorth
          Bump actions/cache from 2.1.3 to 2.1.6 (#4162) @dependabot
          Combined dependencies PR (#4135) @rnorth
          Only run update-* and release-drafter on original repository, not on forks (#4104) @mrotteveel
          Reduce dependabot bump rate to monthly (#4083) @rnorth
          Use up-to-date MySQL docker images (#4059) @rnorth
      package Dependency updates
          Remove visible assertions dependency (#4010) @bsideup
          Update docker-java to 3.2.11 (#4220) @bsideup
          Update to Gradle 7 (#4171) @bsideup




            vmassol Vincent Massol
            surli Simon Urli
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