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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-21523

Fields in form of WYSIWYG configuration are not accessible



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 16.2.0-rc-1
    • 15.9
    • CKEditor
    • Unknown
    • N/A
    • N/A
    • 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions


      This was reported by the automatic accessibility tests:


      WCAG warnings in the test class [org.xwiki.realtime.wysiwyg.test.ui.AllIT]:
      Check for [org.xwiki.administration.test.po.AdministrationSectionPage] at [http://xwikiweb:8080/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?form_token=WT8jeGpYtBgokcxvBNFMsw&section=WYSIWYG].
      Found [3] items
      1: Form elements must have labels
      Description: Ensures every form element has a label
      Help URL: https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.8/label?application=axeAPI
      Help: Form elements must have labels
      Impact: critical
      Tags: cat.forms, wcag2a, wcag412, section508, section508.22.n, TTv5, TT5.c, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT
      HTML element: 
          <textarea data-syntax="plain/1.0" id="CKEditor.ConfigClass_0_advanced" name="CKEditor.ConfigClass_0_advanced" cols="40" rows="5" data-restricted="false">// Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
          // config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
          // config.linkShowTargetTab = true;</textarea>
      Selector: [#CKEditor\.ConfigClass_0_advanced]
      Fix any of the following:
        Form element does not have an implicit (wrapped) <label>
        Form element does not have an explicit <label>
        aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
        aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty
        Element has no title attribute
        Element has no placeholder attribute
        Element's default semantics were not overridden with role="none" or role="presentation"
      3: Select element must have an accessible name
      Description: Ensures select element has an accessible name
      Help URL: https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.8/select-name?application=axeAPI
      Help: Select element must have an accessible name
      Impact: critical
      Tags: cat.forms, wcag2a, wcag412, section508, section508.22.n, TTv5, TT5.c, EN-301-549, EN-, ACT
      HTML element: 
          <select class="form-control" multiple="">
      Selector: [dd:nth-child(2) > .bootstrap-select.show-tick.bs3 > select[multiple=""]]
      Fix any of the following:
        Form element does not have an implicit (wrapped) <label>
        Form element does not have an explicit <label>
        aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
        aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty
        Element has no title attribute
        Element's default semantics were not overridden with role="none" or role="presentation"
      HTML element: 
          <select class="form-control" multiple="">
      Selector: [dd:nth-child(4) > .bootstrap-select.show-tick.bs3 > select[multiple=""]]
      Fix any of the following:
        Form element does not have an implicit (wrapped) <label>
        Form element does not have an explicit <label>
        aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
        aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty
        Element has no title attribute
        Element's default semantics were not overridden with role="none" or role="presentation"



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              Lucas C Charpentier Lucas
              Lucas C Charpentier Lucas
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

