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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-21814

Add automated tests for Panel Wizard



    • Unknown


      There are some manual tests related to Panel Wizard (at Space level and Administration level) that need automated tests. The discussion is here: https://matrix.to/#/!ikPtGZaGWtyblizzlR:matrix.xwiki.com/$17055908791487KKBTQ:matrix.xwiki.com?via=matrix.org&via=matrix.xwiki.com&via=helsinki-systems.de

      Ilie Andriuta: Continuing the manual tests migration, there is a test about checking if the behavior of Panel Wizard Accordion Headers: https://test.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Administration%20Tests/Panel%20Wizard%20Accordion%20Headers. I've checked https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/6cf22fe06656b30102844c7bb5e68e062603733a/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-observation/xwiki-platform-observation-test/xwiki-platform-observation-test-tests/src/test/it/org/xwiki/cluster/test/PanelsIT.java and https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/23bb147f64947c5d50bd1dd2a352019679340362/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-panels/xwiki-platform-panels-test/xwiki-platform-panels-test-docker/src/test/it/org/xwiki/panels/test/ui/docker/PanelsAdministrationIT.java but I was not able to find any tests for it.
      Can you please confirm whether the automated test exists or not and maybe providing the link to it?

      Vincent Massol: Note that https://test.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Administration%20Tests/Panel%20Wizard%20Accordion%20Headers seems like a pretty weak test. IMO it should be grouped with a larger test about the Panel Wizard to save time
      checking for the tests
      I don't think we have panel wizard tests at all actually
      When i check PanelsAdministrationPage (the PO) there's no method to do anything with the panel list
      (you can just verify that there's a panel list tab)
      Ilie Andriuta: we have also other tests about Panel Wizard, but are larger
      Vincent Massol: I think you could create a single jira for writing panel wizard tests and in the desc, link to all the manual tests for the panel wizard as a spec for the tests to write


      The list of other manual Panel Wizard tests are:


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              iandriuta Ilie Andriuta
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