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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-22407

Add automated test for "Show Page Comments Tab (No)"



    • Unknown


      The manual test is here: Show Page Comments Tab (No)

      The test checks if setting No for the 'Show page comments' from the Administration > Look & Feel > Presentation > Page Tabs works properly (tab is hidden).


      Matrix discussion: https://matrix.to/#/!ikPtGZaGWtyblizzlR:matrix.xwiki.com/$1723105704251DiSRW:matrix.xwiki.com?via=matrix.org&via=matrix.xwiki.com&via=helsinki-systems.de

      Ilie Andriuta: ** Hi! Continuing the manual tests migration, there are some tests about checking if setting Yes/No for the options from the Administration > Look & Feel > Presentation > Page Tabs works properly (tabs are shown/ hidden):

      https://test.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Administration%20Tests/Show%20Document%20Annotations%20Tab (set Yes, tab will be shown))
      https://test.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Administration%20Tests/Show%20Document%20Attachments%20Tab (set No, tab will be hidden)
      https://test.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Administration%20Tests/Show%20Document%20Comments%20Tab (set No, tab will be hidden)
      https://test.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Administration%20Tests/Show%20Document%20History%20Tab (set No, tab will be hidden)
      https://test.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Administration%20Tests/Show%20Document%20Information%20Tab (set No, tab will be hidden)
      I've checked https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/603d4fce79f06adc8b4514e731eaa7f2bc2ae764/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-administration/xwiki-platform-administration-test/xwiki-platform-administration-test-docker/src/test/it/org/xwiki/administration/test/ui/AdministrationIT.java but it seems I didn't find automated tests for the Presentation section. Can you please confirm?


      Vincent Massol: checking

      Vincent Massol: Ilie Andriuta: Can't find any test for these Admin UI settings
      Ilie Andriuta: ok, thanks, I'll create tasks for them
      should I create one task for all or a task for each one?
      Thomas@tmortagne:matrix.xwiki.com: if they are all about a different tab, I would create separated issues (we might want to test different tabs in different test classes depending on the domain)
      Ilie Andriuta: yes, each test is for a different tab
      I'll create separate tasks in this case
      thanks, Thomas (@tmortagne:matrix.xwiki.com)!




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            iandriuta Ilie Andriuta
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