Similarly to XWIKI-21005, the update of the inline CKEditor adds non correct attributes:
MySQL 9.0, Tomcat 9-jdk21, Chrome - Docker tests for xwiki-platform-realtime-wysiwyg / Build for MySQL 9.0, Tomcat 9-jdk21, Chrome - Docker tests for xwiki-platform-realtime-wysiwyg / org.xwiki.realtime.wysiwyg.test.ui.AllIT.
WCAG fails in the test class [org.xwiki.realtime.wysiwyg.test.ui.AllIT]: __________ Validation in the test method [editPageTranslations] Check for [org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage] at http://xwikiweb:8080/xwiki/bin/view/NestedRealtimeWYSIWYGEditorIT/editPageTranslations/WebHome?language=de#. Found [1] items 1: Elements must only use supported ARIA attributes Description: Ensures an element's role supports its ARIA attributes Help URL: Help: Elements must only use supported ARIA attributes Impact: critical Tags: cat.aria, wcag2a, wcag412, EN-301-549, EN- HTML element: <div id="xwikicontent" class="col-xs-12" data-sourcedocumentreference="xwiki:NestedRealtimeWYSIWYGEditorIT.editPageTranslations.WebHome" data-syntax="xwiki/2.1" style="position: relative;" aria-readonly="false" aria-controls="cke_297" aria-activedescendant="" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-expanded="false"> Selector: xwikicontent Fix all of the following: ARIA attributes are not allowed: aria-readonly="false", aria-activedescendant="", aria-autocomplete="list", aria-expanded="false" ==> expected: <false> but was: <true>
Issue Links
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XWIKI-21005 CKEditor content on inplace edit uses incorrectly aria-expanded
- Closed