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"Exception while parsing HTML" when saving WYSIWYG with some content



    • curriki
    • Unknown


      I tried converting a page from 1.0 to 2.0 (see attached XAR).

      The conversion itself works fine. However, when trying to save the page in the WYSIWYG editor the "Exception while parsing HTML" message is thrown.

      Here is the generated XWiki 2.0 syntax:

      **Group Size:** Any\\
      **Learning Objectives:**\\
      1. Create a scale model of an object. 
      2.  Understand the factors that contribute to erosion. 
      3.  Understand that erosion effects both natural and man-made structures.  Erosion is one of the contributing factors to the destruction of archaeology sites. 
      4.  A greater understanding of the Maya civilization and their engineering and mathematical accomplishments.\\
      -Graphing Paper 
      -Sugar Cubes (2 lbs per group of 4-6 students) 
      -Aluminum Foil 
      -Spray bottle 
      -Hair drier 
      -CyArk Tikal Maps (Maps can be downloaded free from [[http://archive.cyark.org/education-lesson-plans>>http://archive.cyark.org/education-lesson-plans]])
      -Digital Camera (optional) 
      -Computer with Internet Access 
      **Day 1**
      Time: 45 minutes
      ~1. Introduce students to Tikal as an example of a Mayan site. Tikal is located in
      modern day Guatemala and is one of the largest Mayan sites, with six stepped
      pyramids rising from the jungle. Media from the CyArk website
      (http://archive.cyark.org/tikal-intro) is available for free to educators and students and
      can be used to create a slideshow introduction to the site. The CyArk website has
      background on the city of Tikal and images, videos, and 3-D models of the city.
      Each media item also contains a detailed description and information relating to that
      media pieces. 
      A Power Point introduction to the site of Tikal created by CyArk can be downloaded
      at SlideShare and is free to be used in classrooms.
      2. Go to the CyArk website and view the 3-D models of Tikal Temple 1. (http://archive.cyark.org/tikal-gallery-3D)  Explain to
      students that they will be re-building this pyramid as their assignment. 
      3. Review scale, ratios, and proportion with students if necessary. 
      4. Have students form groups of 4-6 and distribute copies of the Tikal Temple 1
      Map(Can be downloaded free from [[http://archive.cyark.org/education-lesson-plans>>http://archive.cyark.org/education-lesson-plans]]). Alternatively, you can make your own Tikal Temple 1 map using the CyArk 3-D
      viewer by creating slices and measuring the temple. Explain to students that they
      will be creating a scale model of a Mayan pyramid using real archaeological data and
      sugar cubes to construct a physical scale model. Using the Temple 1 Map
      measurements, students will apply ratios and proportions to create a scale model of
      the Tikal's Temple 1. 
      5. Ask students to design a scale model of the temple. When constructing the
      temple, 1 sugar cube will represent 3 meters. Using the laser scan cross section
      image of Temple 1, students will calculate dimensions based off the actual
      measurements and then design a model plan by breaking the pyramid into basic
      shapes. Have students round to the nearest whole number for the construction of
      their models. 
      Once students have completed calculations for the models, ask students compare
      their calculations with another group. Have students discuss their methods of
      determining the various dimensions of the model. Are there any recognizable
      patterns? What can these patterns tell us about the ancient Maya and their
      construction techniques? 
      Student should notice that each pyramid tier in a ratio is exactly one less sugar cube
      in length than the tier below it. This shows the Maya's considerable skill and
      precision in engineering and architecture. 
      6. Provide each group with a 2 lb box of sugar cubes and bottle of glue. Each group
      will be construct their own scale model using the Tikal Temple 1 Map. To reduce the
      number of sugar cubes used, it is recommended that students only construct a 4 tier
      pyramid, consisting of the 4 top most tiers and the pyramid's temple and roof comb.
      For the purposes of constructing the pyramid, students will assume that the pyramid is a square
      Students should wrap a piece of cardboard in a sheet of aluminum foil and
      then construct their pyramid on top of the foil, using glue to hold the sugar cubes
      Once students have completed their scale model, have each group label their
      pyramid with their group name and carefully set the pyramids in safe place. 
      **Day 2**
      Time 45 minutes 
      ~1. Introduce students to the concept of erosion and weathering. Ask the students to
      think of examples of erosion that they have witnessed or evidence of erosion that
      they have seen. 
      2. Explain to students that erosion can affect both natural and man-made objects,
      including archaeological sites. Archaeological sites can be damaged by the process
      of erosion, which can include water, wind, and heat. Tikal's temples are constructed
      of stone, and can be eroded. Tell students that they will be conducting a scientific
      experiment to determine the effects of erosion on archaeological sites. 
      3. Have students follow the procedure in next section. This procedure is also
      included in the student sheets for this activity. 
      4. During their experiment, students should record their changes in their notebook.
      If available, have students use a digital camera to assist in recording their
      experiment results. 
      5. Once the students have completed their experiment, have each group briefly
      describe to the class their procedure and results. 
      6. After the experiment, students should analyze their results and write a
      conclusion. Each student should turn in a copy of their experiment, including their
      hypothesis, materials, procedure, recorded results and conclusion. Students should
      answer the following questions: How did erosion affect their sugar cube pyramid?
      How do you think erosion affects archaeological sites? 
      **Erosion Experiment**
      ~1. Each group will be assigned to test one aspect of erosion: water, wind, and
      **Water Group**
      Day 1 
      ~1. Record any observations on the sugar cube pyramid. If possible, take a picture of
      the pyramid using a digital camera. When taking a picture, create a label with your
      group name, date, class period and "Day 1 -0 sprays of water"
      2. Fill a spray bottle with water and set the spray bottle to mist. Spray the pyramid
      evenly with water. Spray the pyramid with a total of 20 sprays.
      3. Record any observations in your notebook or on the worksheet. If using a digital
      camera, take a picture of the pyramid and label it with your group name, date, class
      period and "Day 1 -20 sprays of water"
      4. Carefully move the pyramid to a safe location where it can remain undisturbed
      until the next class session. 
      Day 2
      ~1. Repeat Steps 2-4 of Day 1 
      Day 3.
      ~1. Repeat steps 2-4 of Day 1. 
      **Wind Group**
      Day 1
      ~1. Record any observations of the sugar cube pyramid, If possible If possible, take
      a picture of the pyramid using a digital camera. When taking a picture, create a
      label with your group name, date, class period and "Day 1 -no wind applied"
      2. Using a blow drier, blow dry the pyramid evenly for 10 minutes. If using a blow
      drier with multiple settings, select the "cool" setting.
      3. Record any observations in your notebook or on the worksheet. If using a digital
      camera, take a picture of the pyramid and label it with your group name, date, class
      period and "Day 1 -10 minutes of wind"
      4. Carefully move the pyramid to a safe location where it can remain undisturbed
      until the next class session. 
      Day 2**
      ~1. Repeat Steps 2-4 of Day 1 
      **Day 3.**
      ~1. Repeat steps 2-4 of Day 1. 
      **Sunlight Group**
      Day 1
      ~1. Record any observations of the sugar cube pyramid, If possible If possible, take
      a picture of the pyramid using a digital camera. When taking a picture, create a
      label with your group name, date, class period and "Day 1 -no sunlight applied"
      2. Using a lamp, shine the light on the pyramid for 10 minutes.
      3. Record any observations in your notebook or on the worksheet. If using a digital
      camera, take a picture of the pyramid and label it with your group name, date, class
      period and "Day 1 -10 minutes of sunlight
      4. Carefully move the pyramid to a safe location where it can remain undisturbed
      until the next class session. 
      Day 2
      ~1. Repeat Steps 2-4 of Day 1 
      Day 3.
      ~1. Repeat steps 2-4 of Day 1. 
      Extension Activities**
      Have students view Temple II at the CyArk website. The eighth-century Tikal king
      Jasaw Chan K`awiil commissioned Temples I and II during his reign. Temple II is
      dedicated to his wife, Lady Twelve Macaw (died 704 A.D.), and she is interred within
      it. Though its roofcomb is now eroded, Temple II has also been known as the Temple
      of the Masks on account of its upper frieze once having been adorned with gigantic
      stone and stucco masks. Roof combs were used as grand billboards for the display of
      religious and political imagery. 
      Have students examine Temple II. How is it different than Temple I? How is it the
      same? How many levels does the temple have? Does it have similar motifs to
      TempleI? How tall is it compared to Temple I? Measure it in the CyArk 3-D viewer.\\
      **Benchmark or Standards:**\\
      **California State Standards**
      This lesson plan is compliant with the following California State Standards:
      **Grade Five**
      Mathematics Content Standards.
      Measurement and Geometry
      1.0 Students understand and compute the volumes and areas of simple objects. 
      **Grade Six**
      Science Content Standards.
      Focus on Earth Science: Shaping Earth's Surface
      2. Topography is reshaped by the weathering of rock and soil and by the
      transportation and deposition of sediment. As a basis for understanding this concept:
      ~1. Students know water running downhill is the dominant process in shaping
      the landscape, including California's landscape.
      2. Students know rivers and streams are dynamic systems that erode,
      transport sediment, change course, and flood their banks in natural and recurring
      3. Students know beaches are dynamic systems in which the sand is supplied
      by rivers and moved along the coast by the action of waves.
      4. Students know earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and floods
      change human and wildlife habitats.
      Grade Six
      Mathematics Content Standards
      Algebra and Functions
      2.0 Students analyze and use tables, graphs, and rules to solve problems involving
      rates and proportions: 
      **Grade Seven**
      Mathematics Content Standards.
      Measurement and Geometry
      1.2 Construct and read drawings and models made to scale.
      Social Studies Content Standards
      7.7 Compare and contrast the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social
      structures of the Meso-American and Andean civilizations.


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              tmortagne Thomas Mortagne
              wikibc Guillaume Lerouge
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