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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-513

Document the Packager tool for both Maven2 and command line usage




      From mailing list:

      Hi Xavier,
      To use the packager plugin in m2 do the following:
      1) Add the xwiki remote repository either to your settings or in your pom.xml file:
            <name>XWiki Maven2 Remote Repository</name>
      2) Then follow the sample located at http://tinyurl.com/yd22mg
      This examples uses default locations but you can control the parameters using the following plugin configuration elements:
      For import:
           * @parameter default-value = "xwiki"
           * @see com.xpn.xwiki.tool.backup.Importer#importDocuments(java.io.File,String,java.io.File)
          private String databaseName;
           * @parameter default-value = "${basedir}/src/main/packager/hibernate.cfg.xml"
           * @see com.xpn.xwiki.tool.backup.Importer#importDocuments(java.io.File,String,java.io.File)
          private File hibernateConfig;
           * @parameter default-value = "${basedir}/src/main/documents"
           * @see com.xpn.xwiki.tool.backup.Importer#importDocuments(java.io.File,String,java.io.File)
          private File sourceDirectory;
      Here's the javadoc for the parameters:
           * @param sourceDirectory the directory where the package.xml file is located and where the
           *        documents to import are located
           * @param databaseName some database name (TODO: find out what this name is really)
           * @param hibernateConfig the Hibernate config fill containing the database definition (JDBC
           *        driver, username and password, etc)
      And for export:
           * @parameter default-value = "xwiki"
           * @see com.xpn.xwiki.tool.backup.Exporter#exportDocuments(java.io.File, String, java.io.File)
          private String databaseName;
           * @parameter default-value = "${basedir}/src/main/packager/hibernate.cfg.xml"
           * @see com.xpn.xwiki.tool.backup.Exporter#exportDocuments(java.io.File, String, java.io.File)
          private File hibernateConfig;
           * @parameter default-value = "${project.build.directory}/export"
           * @see com.xpn.xwiki.tool.backup.Exporter#exportDocuments(java.io.File, String, java.io.File)
          private File exportDirectory;
      Here's the javadoc for the parameters:
           * @param exportDirectory the directory where to export the documents
           * @param databaseName some database name (TODO: find out what this name is really)
           * @param hibernateConfig the Hibernate config fill containing the database definition (JDBC
           *        driver, username and password, etc)
      3) Run mvn xwiki-packager:import  and xwiki-packager:export for import and export




            vmassol Vincent Massol
            vmassol Vincent Massol
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