Resolution: Duplicate
The XWiki Login page is one of the first pages if not the first page that will be viewed by someone who downloads and installs XWiki. It is important to give the user an inviting, pleasant login experience, especially since login screens for modern desktop environments have substantially raised the bar in this area. The main impact is to give the user a
The attached screenshot displays some problem areas which are highlighted and numbered:
1. Log-in is incorrectly spelled and should be "Login". Even better a message like "Welcome to XWiki, please login or register here to get the most out of your XWiki experience" that can be a configuration parameter would be fantastic. A nice image of people collaborating (see some of the Ubuntu login screens for inspiration) might be nice too.
2. The green shading around the login form sticks out and does not fit into the surrounding color scheme. A nice soft compatible color for form backgrounds would be nice to visually differentiate them but it should be used uniformly in the interface. See for example how jira uses this type of effect in the Create Issue form.
3. Username and Password are in a blue that not only clashes with the green background but do not seem to fit in the more general monochromatic color scheme of the Toucan skin. Just plain black would probably be better.
4. The Log-in button is misspelled and should be "Login". Its placement is not ideal, please see the attached screenshot of the login widget for an example of an aesthetically pleasing spatial organization of the different elements of the screen.
Point number 4 raises the question whether a login panel instead of a login page should be the default login mechanism.
Issue Links
- relates to
XWIKI-8100 Login page improvements by removing unnecesary elements (menus, panels, etc.) and improving general style
- Closed
XE-434 Improvements for #xwikimessageboxstart macro
- Closed