New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
== Why ==
I want to get rid off a lot of tables containing multiple kind of data.
In that way, I will use only XWiki to deal with my tables in a unique format.
I think that we may have an app to batch this operation.
== V1 ==
This app parse an imported table without any metadata >> Every data will be exploited as text string.
You're able to:
Choose the name of the space where you will 'install' the app
Choose which column will be shown on the index page using a livetable
Choose which column is used to link to detailed element
Choose what column have to be hided from normal user
Choose what column can be edited
The app create an index with a livetable where you filter entries.
After clicking an entry link, you are redirected to the detail view of the entry.
Every fields are shown in front of its data
== V2 ==
Include metadata system.