A sample xar is provided in attachment.
To reproduce:
1/ Create class with sheet binding
2/ In sheet use:
{{include reference="" /}} ## or $tdoc.content
3/ Create 2 documents using object of class with different content
4/ Create a document with
{{display reference="doc1name" /}} ## or {{include document="doc1name" context="new" /}}
5/ go view document 2 and see the content of document 1 being shown
6/ to fix the problem resave the sheet and everything is back to normal
Visit Sandbox.TestDoc1 in the sample xar.
Issue Links
- duplicates
XRENDERING-283 XDOM#clone() doesn't clone the meta data
- Closed
- is related to
XWIKI-8825 include with context equals new of a page rendered with the sheet system throws an exception
- Closed