Release Notes - XWiki Platform - Version 1.2 RC1 - HTML format


  • [XWIKI-937] - Caching documents breaks the inline edit mode
  • [XWIKI-1044] - Refreshing cached documents affects only the current request
  • [XWIKI-1709] - WebHome displayed instead of a proper user name
  • [XWIKI-1774] - Authentication lost when using more than one reverse proxies
  • [XWIKI-1833] - A XAR import fires an error when xwiki is set to no versioning
  • [XWIKI-1848] - Adding a user to the group lightbox resizes it
  • [XWIKI-1869] - Caching documents does not consider the current user language, returning the document in the cached language
  • [XWIKI-1870] - Import failed if there are rcs revisions with author is empty
  • [XWIKI-1872] - Inline editing doesn't update cached documents
  • [XWIKI-1878] - "Exception while patching" error
  • [XWIKI-1882] - Diff displays wrong username and doesn't object difference in some cases
  • [XWIKI-1885] - Sometimes some Radeox macros fail to render and Radeox filter exceptions appear in the XWiki logs
  • [XWIKI-1886] - Symbols escape problem in JRCS
  • [XWIKI-1890] - Calling the delete action in a XWiki URL when the document has already been deleted generates an exception
  • [XWIKI-1891] - Failure to delete documents
  • [XWIKI-1892] - Erasing a document that hasn't been previously deleted generates a NPE
  • [XWIKI-1893] - When a document is restored from the recycle bin it should be removed from the recycle bin
  • [XWIKI-1894] - Exception in URL Factory initialization
  • [XWIKI-1897] - Lucene plugin always search in all wikis
  • [XWIKI-1899] - The #toc macro requires programming rights for numbering sections
  • [XWIKI-1904] - Lucene plugin IndexUpdater makes querry in wrong database in virtual mode
  • [XWIKI-1906] - SoftReference for XWikiDocumentArchive improperly used
  • [XWIKI-1908] - New Rigth Managements UI ignores the user response when removing the admin right
  • [XWIKI-1911] - Exception while storing the referrer for statistics
  • [XWIKI-1913] - Exception while storing the client IP for statistics


  • [XWIKI-1902] - Add new privileged API to list all virtual wikis


  • [XWIKI-1741] - Add prenotification support for document change listeners
  • [XWIKI-1845] - Create improved Statistics API
  • [XWIKI-1847] - Add a link to the user profile when editing a user in the "edit user" lightbox
  • [XWIKI-1862] - Rights Manager Interface fixed css and xhtml validation
  • [XWIKI-1863] - Rights Manager Interface fixed a javascript bug for scrolling in the ajax table when adding member in group
  • [XWIKI-1864] - Rights Manager Interface changed select box to radio buttons when chosing to display groups or users
  • [XWIKI-1873] - Add the upload_maxsize class property to XWiki.XWikiPreferences object by default to make it easier to increase attachment size
  • [XWIKI-1881] - Display the URL being called in xwiki logs
  • [XWIKI-1884] - Verify that the pageId passed to the XWiki implementation of the Confluence XMLRPC API are of the form Space.Page and throw an exception otherwise
  • [XWIKI-1887] - Remove radeox warnings for macros that don't have a description
  • [XWIKI-1888] - Guest users who have admin rights should have advanced users features enabled
  • [XWIKI-1889] - Remove some non working Radeox filters/macros and unused ones
  • [XWIKI-1900] - Allow database migrations also for multiwikis
  • [XWIKI-1905] - In edit mode, the document name in the top menu should be a link instead of plain text
  • [XWIKI-1909] - The links for the Administration tabs are inefficiently generated
  • [XWIKI-1910] - Saving rights using the new Rights UI should use the /edit/ action

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