Currently, whenever a slash ( / ) is encountered in the name of a page from media wiki, a space is created for the page, with the name being the string before the slash and the page itself is imported inside this space, with the name being the string after the slash.
For example
"My page/doc" would be imported in the following hierarchy:
- My page (space)
- doc (document inside that space) with the title "My page/doc"
The issue with that is that in some situations, the slash in the name of the page, although it becomes a slash in the URL on media wiki (and thus, path separator), does not have the semantic of a hierarchy separator, but only a character in the doc name, like any other.
The idea would be that the production of the extra parent (space) in this case is configurable as well, just like MEDIAWIKI-49 made configurable the generation of the parent in the case of the namespaces separator (colon).