Resolution: Fixed
Release Notes - PDFBox - Version 2.0.9 ** Sub-task * [PDFBOX-4029] - Rendering transparency groups in patterns ** Bug * [PDFBOX-2142] - some /ICCBased colorspaces not rendered correctly * [PDFBOX-2558] - Image missing * [PDFBOX-2917] - PDF to Image, faint/dim Images * [PDFBOX-3377] - font caching never stops in AIX * [PDFBOX-3401] - PDObjectReference getReferencedObject() returns null if referenced obj is not a COSStream * [PDFBOX-3457] - Glyphs rendered in wrong width * [PDFBOX-3956] - Truncated pdf can't be repaired anymore * [PDFBOX-3990] - Rendering will never complete * [PDFBOX-3994] - ClassCastException in COSParser.bfSearchForTrailer * [PDFBOX-3997] - Cannot encode strings with of surrogate pairs * [PDFBOX-4001] - Rendering LineFeed (No Unicode mapping for .notdef (10)) * [PDFBOX-4002] - Layer Utility - Text not being displayed when overlaying * [PDFBOX-4005] - Incorrect use of PDNumberTreeNode in PDPageLabels * [PDFBOX-4006] - PDFBox throws NullPointerException when parsing PDF * [PDFBOX-4011] - BBox in signature forms has wrong order * [PDFBOX-4012] - PDF with incremental save is shown blank * [PDFBOX-4015] - java.awt.color.CMMException: LCMS error 13: Couldn't link the profiles * [PDFBOX-4018] - NPE in sanitizeType in org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPageTree * [PDFBOX-4021] - Font missing when building from source makes build fail * [PDFBOX-4027] - IndexOutOfBoundsException when XObject form matrix has only 5 elements * [PDFBOX-4030] - ClassCastException when matrix array has indirect objects * [PDFBOX-4038] - CFF font Blue values and other delta encoded lists read incorrectly * [PDFBOX-4043] - ExtractImages doesn't extract images from PDPatterns * [PDFBOX-4044] - Unable to process overlay on Cognos PDF documents * [PDFBOX-4052] - Number '------------06836305' is getting too long, stop reading at offset 36 * [PDFBOX-4053] - build test fails on jdk9 * [PDFBOX-4058] - High memory consumption when extracting image from PDF file * [PDFBOX-4060] - Slow rendering of PDF file with DeviceN jpeg file * [PDFBOX-4061] - ClassCastException PDActionJavaScript cannot be cast to PDDestination * [PDFBOX-4064] - cm operator has 7 numbers * [PDFBOX-4066] - Merging documents with nested fields duplicates child fields * [PDFBOX-4083] - Line annotation /LL, /LLE and /LLO have wrong default values * [PDFBOX-4084] - Can't draw PDFs while ANNOTS is COSStream instead of COSArray * [PDFBOX-4085] - COSString cannot be cast to COSDictionary error * [PDFBOX-4088] - Root/StructTreeRoot/K/S must be name, not string (merge) * [PDFBOX-4091] - Cannot analyze signatures : Wrong type of referenced length object COSObject * [PDFBOX-4093] - illegible characters in rendered image * [PDFBOX-4103] - Optional Content Groups with same names can't have different visibility * [PDFBOX-4105] - Copyright 2011 adam * [PDFBOX-4107] - NPE at PDFMergerUtility * [PDFBOX-4108] - /Length1 not needed for /CIDToGIDMap * [PDFBOX-4113] - Debugger file open dialog has incorrect filter on Mac * [PDFBOX-4114] - ICCBased color spaces wrong color output * [PDFBOX-4115] - Problem creating PDF with German text using embedded Type1 (PFB) font * [PDFBOX-4125] - FDFField.writeXML KO with String * [PDFBOX-4129] - Deleted fonts not detected when checking cache * [PDFBOX-4140] - Crash when repeating flag is outside of range. * [PDFBOX-4146] - Patch: Fix for appearance of visible signature * [PDFBOX-4153] - Outlines missing in some versions, not in others ** New Feature * [PDFBOX-3198] - Visible Signature N2 layer / Support signature with text * [PDFBOX-4106] - Vertical text creation * [PDFBOX-4117] - Implement GoToE action-type ** Improvement * [PDFBOX-1848] - Time Stamp Document Level Sigature * [PDFBOX-2092] - Very slow rendering of scanned document * [PDFBOX-3340] - Image decoded twice without a real need * [PDFBOX-3984] - Add validation data of signer to document * [PDFBOX-3992] - Implement show text with positioning operator (TJ) * [PDFBOX-3998] - Inform the user when not using KCMS with jdk8 or higher + set KCMS in cli * [PDFBOX-4020] - Into existing signature embedded signed timestamp for validation * [PDFBOX-4022] - Cache ColorSpace instances in * [PDFBOX-4024] - YCbCr JPEGs not implemented * [PDFBOX-4025] - Other page sizes than US Letter should be selectable in TextToPDF * [PDFBOX-4040] - Get/set Viewports in PDPage * [PDFBOX-4119] - KCMS takes too much time * [PDFBOX-4121] - (-Dorg.apache.pdfbox.rendering.UsePureJavaCMYKConversion=true) takes much time * [PDFBOX-4137] - Allow subsampled/downscaled rendering of images, and rendering subimages * [PDFBOX-4139] - Optimize memory footprint of CID mappings within CMaps * [PDFBOX-4142] - Don't use md5 checksum due to changes to the release distribuition policy * [PDFBOX-4150] - Optimize clipping text rendering modes ** Wish * [PDFBOX-4094] - Add support for a flag disabling the rendering of PDF annotations in PDFRenderer ** Task * [PDFBOX-2852] - Improve code quality (2) * [PDFBOX-3991] - PDPageContentStream has sometimes float, sometimes double parameters * [PDFBOX-4050] - Check user password when decrypting with owner password in build test * [PDFBOX-4055] - Output info when PDFBox JBIG2 ImageIO is released * [PDFBOX-4135] - Modify PDFBox builds für Apache JBIG2 plugin * [PDFBOX-4143] - repository-cached download of fontbox test files