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  1. XWiki Platform
  2. XWIKI-17631

In notification emails, the tree of modified pages is sometimes not rendered properly



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • None
    • 11.10.6
    • Notifications
    • Unknown


      I'd recommend to hook up XWiki to a fake email server such as MailHog (https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog) for reproducing this issue.

      Steps to reproduce :

      • On a clean instance, open one session with the default XWiki "Admin" account and create another user, named "TestUser" in my case.
      • Update the notification preferences of the Admin user so that he watches every document modification in the wiki, and gets daily notification emails about these modifications
      • With the Admin user, create two pages "Space1" and "Space2"
      • With the test user, create two pages named "My page" within "Space1" and "Space2". The final tree of the wiki should look like that :

      • Now go in Scheduler.WebHome, and trigger the Notification daily email sender job
      • Observe the email that the admin got :

      Expected : the email displays a tree including only pages that were modified in the wiki
      Actual : we don't see the parent pages of the two pages that were created, and thus, the user isn't able to distinguish which page comes from which space.

      I'm reporting this as a bug (and not as a new feature) as when a page and one of its children are modified, they are rendered as a tree, see for example the screenshot below, resulting in the modification of the pages Space1.WebHome and Space1.My page.WebHome.


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              surli Simon Urli
              caubin Clément Aubin
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