UTF-8 characters are exported as ? characters ( HTML works fine)
The following warning is found in the logs
WARN impl.PdfExportImpl - Starting with 1.5, XWiki uses the W EB-INF/fonts/ directory as the font directory, and it should contain the FreeFont (http://sava fonts. FOP cannot access this directory. If this is an upgrad e from a previous version, make sure you also copy the WEB-INF/fonts directory from the new di stribution package.
The war file originates from 1.5RC1 so the WEB-INF/fonts directory is there
AUTHORS COPYING CREDITS FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf FreeMonoBold.ttf FreeMonoOblique.ttf FreeMono.ttf FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf FreeSansBold.ttf FreeSansOblique.ttf FreeSans.ttf FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf FreeSerifBold.ttf FreeSerifItalic.ttf FreeSerif.ttf
Obviously the user running tomcat has access to that directory.
Following this warning I have quite a few errors similar to
ERROR autodetect.FontInfoFinder - Unable to load font file: file:/usr/share/fonts/URW/p052024l.pfb. Reason: No PFM file was found for file:/usr/share/fonts/URW/p052024l.pfb
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
XWIKI-4724 UTF-8 characters are substituted with # for PDF export
- Closed
XWIKI-2578 Errors with fonts while doing PDF export
- Closed