
    • DBImprovement


      When a document is deleted, there is no way to recover it. A document can be deleted by mistake, or by an intruder.

      How should the recycle bin work:

      • When a document is deleted, it is fully exported as XML and stored in a table
      • A timestamp is also added to the recycled item
      • A parameter in xwiki.cfg tells the minimum time a document must remain in the recycle before it can be completely removed
      • A user with the "undelete" right can restore a document from the recycle bin
      • A user with the "delete" right can permanently remove items from the recycle bin, only after the minimum waiting time has passed


      • What if the page was created again?
        • Restoring a trashed document should not replace the new one
        • Deleting the new document should not replace the trashed one
        • Possibility: while the document is still in the trash, display a notice: "This document was deleted"; users should have the possibility to request a restoration. This prevents a new document to be created while an older version is still in the recycle bin.
      • Should the document still be accessible from the trash?
        • If it's not too difficult
        • How about a specific version?
      • Should we allow restoring from a particular version, or restore only the final version?
        • No, since this way an attacker can delete a page and restore only an empty version, making all other versions inaccessible.
      • Should the trash be searchable?
        • Not using the default search, since the recycle bin does not use the same tables as the default content


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              amelentev Artem Melentev
              sdumitriu Sergiu Dumitriu
              1 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

